Example sentences of "[vb past] saying [that] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The party broke up when Father D'Arcy , whose life was organized round the liturgy , rose saying that he had to attend an obligatory office at Campion Hall .
2 I 'll come following you He d yeah it was odd when Frank said that cos apparently what happened , he just sort of started saying that he did n't think that Frank had really been there for him and that he was being a bit sort of selfish and stuff which I mean maybe he has been but the thing is if you know if Frank 's making this massive effort to like fit in and meet new people and stuff then
3 Mrs Ware telephoned me five weeks after her husband died saying that she felt her children should be taken into care and she should be hospitalized because she could no longer cope .
4 cos she , she kept saying that they owed her
5 On 16 November 1987 solicitors acting for the first defendant wrote saying that he hoped to sell the property , and the proceedings were adjourned generally .
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