Example sentences of "[vb past] open and [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The door irised open and he reached inside , drawing out the tiny phial before the door closed up again .
2 Lisabeth 's mouth dropped open and she swooned slightly against Fenella , who cunningly stepped forward out of the way so Lisabeth had to right herself .
3 It swung open and they staggered into the corridor , away from that scene of Hell in the office .
4 The first time she was playing marbles with Rosie in the saloon , when the double doors swung open and he appeared as if from nowhere , a tall and very upright figure , still in his colonel 's uniform .
5 When Huw reached the entrance to the dock , the gates appeared to be shut , but as soon as he put his hand to them , they swung open and he found that the chain and padlock had been taken off .
6 She began to say , ‘ Thank God … ’ then halted , as the door swung open and she saw a figure momentarily silhouetted against the pale evening light .
7 The door swung open and I scuttled in .
8 Her eyes flew open and she stared in shock at Luke , who was standing by the desk .
9 Her eyes flew open and she reared back , scrambling to her feet .
10 I was at the wardrobe , I 'd just took me trousers off and the bloody door flew open and I turned round , he was on the bed !
11 The membrane broke open and he found himself looking at a little horse 's head lying upon a pair of stretched out forelegs , a perfect little head with shell-like curling nostrils and a narrow white blaze , and wet , flattened-down ears .
12 The bus crashed to a halt , the doors puffed open and she dropped to the road .
13 Then the door clanged open and she thought in surprise , We 're down !
14 She pushed against the door , it creaked open and she fell out onto the damp grassy verge .
15 A moment later the door creaked open and he appeared , or a fair facsimile , a very old man with grey hair down to his shoulders , a black dresscoat of velvet that had seen better days , a pair of very baggy corduroy trousers beneath of the type worn by peasants on the farm .
16 A few moments later , squeals of laughter and delight heralded the arrival of Cissie and Richard ; the kitchen door burst open and they tumbled in one behind the other , the boy first , and the girl pretending to chase him , her hands making pointed ear shapes behind her head , and her small pretty features twisted into a fearsome expression .
17 Soon the door stood open and I entered the study .
18 ‘ Hmm , ’ he said , as the door slid open and he led the way inside .
19 The door slid open and he stepped out onto the platform , walking quickly towards the exit .
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