Example sentences of "[vb past] been involved [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd been involved with fairs and circuses since the age of fourteen , when she 'd run off with a Wall of Death rider on his motorbike .
2 He 'd been involved with bands all those years and could play a bit of music but he never quite got the hang of the idea of written music .
3 He had been involved with Buddhism to the point of almost becoming a monk , and had formed the mixed media troupe called Feathers , after studying mime under Lindsay Kemp .
4 William had been involved with Clydesdales since his boyhood and in 1897 he bought two good mature stallions and a fine brood mare with which he established Dunure Mains as a stud .
5 Zabaleta , 39 , known in ETA as Waldo , had been involved with ETA since he was a teenager and had been in charge of its itinerant commandos since 1984 .
6 Latterly he had been involved in eel fishing and had been seeking a place to keep his eels alive and fresh .
7 After 1986 parliamentary concern shifted towards the security service or MI5 , particularly because of allegations that it had been involved in attempts to smear elected politicians during the 1970s .
8 Neighbours said Mr Howells had been involved in row with another man shortly before the incident .
9 Michael Walsh had taught in the school for six years , and had been involved in meetings in the Humanities department when the idea was discussed :
10 Earlier , Det Sgt John Clark had said he had been involved in meetings with other police forces all over the country after a number of raids on TSB branches in which cash dispensers were forced open using oxy-acetylene equipment .
11 John Hitchen , prosecuting , told the jury that Livingstone , of Compton House , Cottingham Drive , Pallister Park , and Hardy , of Delarden Road , Pallister Park , both Middlesbrough , had been involved in missile throwing when police were called to quell trouble on the estate which flared after a youth was arrested .
12 The Bulgarian authorities admitted on Sept. 8 that a Bulgarian state arms trading company , Kintex , had been involved in arms deals with Iraq despite the UN embargo .
13 Almond Nofomela had been among the most trusted of Coetzee 's askaris in his years with Section C. Nofomela had been involved in killings up to despatch of the unfortunate Lesotho diamond dealer .
14 All we know of him was that he had been involved in RAF mountain rescue in Anglesey , and had quite recently been on a posting in Lincolnshire .
15 Highlander was a linkpin in the whole operation , bringing together many people who had been involved in land issues over a large geographical area , schools , community groups , local politicians , academics , and interested individuals Workshops at Highlander laid the foundations for articulation of the problems and a research methodology for establishing the relative facts and presenting them in a manner which would best suit community requirements .
16 In or about February 1983 , I received a message via my branch director that the deputy Director-General of MI5 was prepared to consider favourably an application from me for a telephone intercept on a member of the Communist Party within C.N.D. John Cox , a Vice-President of C.N.D. , was selected since he was well known as a member of the Communist Party and had been involved in C.N.D. practically since its inception .
17 In all the manufacturing organisations we studied , trade unions had been involved in plans to introduce or extend temporary working .
18 Hurtado had been involved in disagreements over economic policy with Industry and Commerce Minister Guido Pennano , who criticized the government 's IMF-backed tight fiscal policy for deepening the recession , failing to cure hyperinflation , and making exports uncompetitive by overvaluing the inti .
19 Russian advisers had been involved in border incidents but there was no evidence that they had advanced south of the 38th parallel .
20 A spokeswoman claimed that Itoh had been involved in discussions with Sun regarding OEM supply of the X-terminal built by C Itoh , but Sun had decided to go its own way .
21 Touche Ross had been involved in discussions with COSLA and the Scottish Office and had provided all of the supporting information and details .
22 By the end of 1992 more than 300 people had been involved in ITED , which as applications across the spectrum of working environments , from finance to manufacturing .
23 Tim Roberts , prosecuting , said Summersgill had been involved in burglaries at a butcher 's , a shop and a show house .
24 Air Force helicopters had been involved in relief flights for Kurds in northern Iraq , and medical units were operating with UN forces in Cambodia .
25 In total Oshima named seven senior members of the LDP who had been involved in efforts to force his party to desist .
26 Some who had gone to Israel had been involved in protests from July 1985 onwards against the ruling of the Chief Rabbinate that they should undertake a " formal " conversion to Judaism [ see p. 34008 ] .
27 Currently the DLP executive chairman , Kim Young Sam had been involved in struggles within the DLP over his candidacy for the presidential elections .
28 The Cabinet resigned on Jan. 15 at the request of President Carlos Menem , following allegations by the United States ambassador , Terence Todman , that several government ministers and the President 's economic adviser and brother-in-law , Emir Yoma , had been involved in bribery and corruption .
29 She decided that her best hope was to go up to the belvedere and see if she could find any indication at all that someone else had been involved in Gebrec 's death .
30 Jonah and Petrovsky were to be assisted by Giandomenico Picco ( Italy , who had been involved in negotiations for the release of hostages in Lebanon — see pp. 38550 ; 38694 ) and Sotirios Mousouris ( Greece ) , both with the rank of Assistant Secretary-General .
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