Example sentences of "[vb past] his eyes and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He strained his eyes and glimpsed a shadow darker than the rest .
2 Wishart narrowed his eyes and looked into the candlelight .
3 ‘ However , ’ Corbett continued , clasping his sword belt around his waist , ‘ one thing I do remember is that the preacher was really a gentle man ; he told my mother that Holy Mother Church merely wished to frighten its children except — ’ Corbett narrowed his eyes and looked through the doorway ‘ — for murderers , those who slay , especially the sons of Cain who plot with ice-cold malice the destruction of someone they hate . ’
4 As the campaign progressed , his rallies became increasingly visionary and evangelical as he narrowed his eyes and gazed at horizons no one else could see .
5 Werewolf narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips at her , making a face which would have worried an exorcist .
6 Slater narrowed his eyes and straightened the tartan cap on his head .
7 He narrowed his eyes and saw Hope the Merchant Prince , the aristocrat at large on the Rialtos of the world , feared , admired , dipping silkenly between caskets of treasure , tranches of land , ships , silver mines , paintings , furniture , the collector , the connoisseur , and sending all back to the lonely Scottish estate which burgeoned with those foreign infusions of antique wealth , material goods …
8 Why do you ask ? ’ he narrowed his eyes and stared hard at Corbett .
9 He narrowed his eyes and stared at the distant wall of the Tower .
10 Frankie narrowed his eyes and squinted at the bloody object lying between her powerful front paws .
11 She watched as he narrowed his eyes and squinted as if against the brightness of the sun .
12 Corbett narrowed his eyes and squinted up at the sky .
13 He narrowed his eyes and grimaced .
14 He narrowed his eyes and tried to look tough .
15 The contempt that narrowed his eyes and thinned his mouth was not directed at her , but at himself .
16 Cowley narrowed his eyes and shook his head .
17 He narrowed his eyes and shook his head .
18 For a moment Ben seemed about to say something , then he dropped his eyes and made a small movement of his head .
19 The cutting scorn that hardened his eyes and thinned his mouth made her flinch .
20 The doctor re-focused his eyes and returned to his paperwork .
21 He lifted his eyes and saw that he was almost at the top .
22 He lifted his eyes and saw how concerned Hal was .
23 He shaded his eyes and blinked for a few seconds until he had adjusted to the change .
24 Willie shaded his eyes and looked around for him .
25 He opened his eyes and gazed down at her face .
26 He opened his eyes and reached round to find the fastener .
27 He opened his eyes and looked at her .
28 Willie opened his eyes and looked around .
29 He opened his eyes and looked straight at her .
30 Adam opened his eyes and looked up at Curly Top .
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