Example sentences of "[vb past] it necessary [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 True , the older children found it necessary to close their eyes during the ‘ soppy bits ’ — to blot out the vision of Peter Pan ( Robin Williams ) and Tinkerbell ( Julia Roberts ) kissing , for instance — but that was a small price to pay , they thought , for a decent story of revenge , piracy and adult idiocy .
2 There were repeated instances , in fact , of assaults on policemen who then found it necessary to draw their truncheons and fight their way out of a crowd .
3 Manufacturing industry has been especially hard hit , but even sunrise companies specialising in new technology have at times found it necessary to prune their work-force .
4 Peter himself achieved a balanced budget , but his successors found it necessary to supplement their income by resorting to ever larger foreign loans .
5 Mr Blackburn said people with the disease often felt it necessary to leave their communities because the illness was associated with illicit behaviour .
6 While not exactly extravagant , the couple felt it necessary to establish their place in Viennese society by entertaining their friends in lavish style .
7 In those days few ministers thought it necessary to attend their own counts , and Baldwin had his vigil in the No. 10 secretaries ' room enlivened by the presence of Churchill : ‘ The P.M. [ sat ] with narrow slips of paper on which he inscribed the three lists as they arrived .
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