Example sentences of "[vb past] the idea of [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Yet if the lapidaries of Europe and India shared the idea of faceting the convex face of flat-bottomed stones , they had to do their work subject to different expectations .
2 An amusing parallel in the film business is an account given by the director Ken Russell of how he sold the idea of making a film about Tchaikowsky ; he described it to his potential backers as the story of a homosexual who fell in love with a nymphomaniac .
3 Some august partnerships , such as Herbert Smith , long disdained the idea of working out what their profitable strengths were and then marketing them hard .
4 Sophie got the idea of using it in France when she made a scarecrow for a friend .
5 Chairman if the company , Simon Fraser , got the idea of using the chicken litter — a mixture of wood shavings , straw and droppings — after experience with the 5 MW steam raising plant at the Torness Glenlivet distillery which uses forestry waste .
6 We talked about that for a while and that was when I got the idea of using the mud wagon-not just for him but for the McLaren girl too , and just like before I could see myself sitting in it with her .
7 A tiny radical collective on Manhattan 's Upper West Side got the idea of organising political activity around a profit-making experimental encounter therapy practice .
8 From somewhere I got the idea of going to art college I 'm sure it was because I 'd read about all the rock musicians who 'd started their bands at art colleges — John Lennon and Keith Richards in particular .
9 Then she got the idea of going across to the American Shuttle .
10 That 's when Simon got the idea of making kitchen units , too .
11 I scrapped the idea of doing the music for it after ten pages .
12 I had not known Melinda when I first entertained the idea of travelling the length of the Nile .
13 It was not until after the 1914 war and nearly five years with the French army — although domiciled in England for some thirty years he never at any time entertained the idea of becoming a naturalized British subject , considering it highly improper for a Frenchman to renounce his country — and following the failure of his London decorating business , which before the war had been successful , that Boulestin turned to cookery writing .
14 After the meeting committee chairman Lib-Dem councillor Rosemary Smith described the idea of discriminating in favour of married couples as ‘ extreme Right-wing nonsense ’ .
15 Having run through the preventive health catechism ( more exercise , less tobacco and alcohol , and better diet ) the 1979 report bluntly dismissed the idea of replacing Britain 's tax-funded health service with some form of insurance scheme .
16 I stayed in hospital for six days and found the idea of going home without him very upsetting .
17 People had rarely asked for his advice and he found the idea of playing the role of Signor Fixit 's confessor novel and strangely flattering .
18 Fortunately Scotland has always had a fine reservoir of comic talent and so I found the idea of letting a Scottish company loose on these plays totally irresistible .
19 Lydia had said that one night 's fast would be preferable to the plight in which they did indeed now find themselves , but Betty regarded the idea of missing a meal as unnatural and Lydia was overruled .
20 The Tories proposed the idea of allowing schools to opt out to enable them to get away from ‘ loony left'authorities .
21 Pathé discs adopted the idea of filling the engraved letters with white ( 30 ) , but Edison 's ‘ Diamond Discs ’ did not ( 32 ) .
22 the RIBA opposed the idea of ending mandatory fees , although it was less resistant to the idea of an independent review body .
23 In April 1957 , now in opposition , they condemned the idea of accepting nuclear weapons on German soil , thus joining with the SPD , religious and scientific groups who opposed Adenauer 's pro-nuclear policy .
24 Thus Sir Archibald Geikie ( of the Geological Survey ) in an address at Birmingham in 1898 deplored the idea of splitting schools into two sides or sections ; but the trend towards specialization proved hard to control , and to some the sciences did seem to be all that needed to be known .
25 While one part of his armies laid siege to Madrid and another pressed westward along the north coast towards Bilbao , Franco studied the idea of uniting the Falange and the Carlist Comunión Tradicionalista .
26 From the need to produce videos of Virgin artists came the idea of distributing them on a commercial basis as well through their own distribution company ; and within two years Virgin were busily developing their own , European version of MTV , Music Box .
27 From this debate about assessment came the idea of videoing lessons .
28 It seems that Leapor absolutely rejected the idea of seeking a patron through a dedication .
29 a relaxation of the regulations on the combinations of single fields in Stage II ( the previous regulation in effect required a 50 : 50 split , now 7/16 acceptable modules was the minimum for one field ( the Course rejected the idea of calling this a major/minor system ) ;
30 He backed manager Brian Little with a two-year contract and rejected the idea of operating with part-timers in the Vauxhall Conference .
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