Example sentences of "[vb past] i have already [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Maggot assumed I had already known that .
2 Before Bodo arrived I 'd already decided in favour of the gentler angled approach through the rip from the left , with an eye on building up gradually from the small to the not-so-small .
3 ‘ I felt I 'd already done Prime Suspect , ’ says Lynda , although she did supply the plot outline .
4 Er , I hoped I 'd made clear that if the profits of Pearsons erm er not only if they went down but even if er , there was only a small erm , increase in earnings per share er next year that the the directors ' salaries would be very considerably reduced and I thought I 'd already made that erm , er , directors ' erm remuneration total take home pay would be considerably reduced thought I 'd already made that point .
5 Er , I hoped I 'd made clear that if the profits of Pearsons erm er not only if they went down but even if er , there was only a small erm , increase in earnings per share er next year that the the directors ' salaries would be very considerably reduced and I thought I 'd already made that erm , er , directors ' erm remuneration total take home pay would be considerably reduced thought I 'd already made that point .
6 ‘ I thought I 'd already done that . ’
7 ‘ I thought I 'd already pointed out , this is my boat . ’
8 She did n't want to sound rude , so she smiled her sweetest smile and said , ‘ I thought I 'd already got the job , Doctor .
9 I said well you he said I 'd already told you could he said well I ca n't go back on it .
10 Cos Irene says give me a ring I says no , I says that 's it , I said I 've already made the arrangement once and it backfired I says so I 'm not doing it no more .
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