Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] held in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The estate had been held in trust by the second brother .
2 Mukong , who had been held in detention during 1988-89 [ see p. 36611 ] , was found not guilty of subversion .
3 Local press reports said that former President Traore had been hurriedly moved from the Kati barracks , where he had been held in detention .
4 He had been a founding member of the Socialist Youth Movement , and after fighting in the civil war he had been held in detention in ( French ) camps in Algeria , before moving to the Soviet Union .
5 James 's death , in fact , released a great deal which had been held in check during his reign .
6 Indeed , the evidence in general is so slight that it implies that any animosities had been held in check by Edward IV and only surfaced fully after his death .
7 Indeed , the evidence in general is so slight that it implies that any animosities had been held in check by Edward IV and only surfaced fully after his death .
8 According to the Soviet central government newspaper Izvestiya , the session had been held in response to a " sharp deterioration in the sociopolitical situation " in Moldavia because of interethnic tension which had continued to mount .
9 Beginning on July 26 , the sit-in protest at the key Samtredia rail junction had been held in support of allowing discussion of the bill throughout the republic prior to the start of debate in the Georgian Supreme Soviet on Aug. 17 .
10 Lord Granville , the Lord President of the Council , replied that the competition had been held in accordance with the recommendation of a Select Committee .
11 The first two rounds of voting had been held in north Lebanon and the Bekaa on Aug. 23 and in Beirut and Mount Lebanon on Aug. 30 [ see p. 39071 ] .
12 Similarly , in Moore v Central Electricity Generating Board , 1974 IRLR 296 — the facts of which may cause those interested in civil liberties some concern — an employee who had been held in custody for one month pending trial was dismissed after being convicted not of the original charge preferred but of related offences .
13 Baquerizo had been held in custody since May and , since Aug. 19 , had been on hunger strike .
14 Councillor Rosie also voiced his concerns over the treatment of the W family , eight members of which had been held in care since November 1990 , at enormous cost to Orkney .
15 Once there he held a much-publicised news conference during which he ridiculed American intelligence and claimed he had been held in captivity by the CIA .
16 A sizeable reservoir of homosexuality , which had been held in abeyance , suddenly stirred in the town .
17 Japan had long-standing territorial ambitions regarding Korea , her nearest neighbour , but these had been held in abeyance during the Tokugawa period .
18 In the Hussainara case , it was revealed that a number of destitute women had been held in prison for several years awaiting the trials of men accused of raping them .
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