Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun pl] to [pos pn] eye " in BNC.

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1 Several jurors dabbed handkerchiefs to their eyes , and tears slid down Mr Lozano 's cheeks .
2 The single white anemone set her pulse racing ; the suspicion of dew in the bell of a campanula knotted her diaphragm ; the fragrance of white tobacco plant at dusk brought tears to her eyes .
3 She made an effort to feel some true sympathy , but it was difficult — she supposed that she would n't be able to experience compassion in a deep and real sense until she 'd had some children , since only matters like the putting down of young greyhounds brought tears to her eyes .
4 The sharpness of the cold made her cough and brought tears to her eyes .
5 She was very tired ; an uncharacteristic wave of sentimentality — of pity , almost , for all living things , brought tears to her eyes and made her want to clasp her arms round Caro .
6 They brought tears to her eyes , but tears of pain soon welled up from an overwhelming sense of despair .
7 Cigar smoke brought tears to her eyes
8 That brought tears to my eyes and I turned away so that Jeff would n't be able to see them , then fought them back .
9 Mr Redhead could bring God to the godless : his article brought tears to my eyes .
10 It was n't the wind that brought tears to my eyes as I turned to walk along the cliff path .
11 He said : ‘ Your report brought tears to my eyes .
12 Sandy , a visitor , told us : " It brought tears to my eyes when I heard that the house would be closed for renovation .
13 ‘ The letter I got back brought tears to my eyes , ’ he says .
14 The shock was so great that it brought tears to his eyes , and when he 'd turned off the tap and dried his hand , the tears did n't stop .
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