Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [noun] yesterday [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A clerk of Durham , collecting church-dues with an armed escort from Melrose , came into conflict yesterday evening with an equally large party of Normans under Flodwig of Dol , and a running battle ensued .
2 Fry feared the worst when he arrived for training yesterday morning to find his wife had called him three times already .
3 This means that at the European Top 12 tournament , which started in Copenhagen yesterday afternoon , players will still be able to use many types of glue — but probably for the last time in a major European event .
4 The BBC head of drama services , Peter Cregeen , flew to Spain yesterday afternoon to break the news .
5 The BBC head of drama services , Peter Cregeen , flew to Spain yesterday afternoon to break the news .
6 And erm I went past Beamish yesterday Dave .
7 Porterfield , who was sacked by Aberdeen in 1988 after two years in charge , went to work yesterday morning unaware of the behind-the-scenes activity and took a full training session before learning that his 20-month reign was over .
8 Cos when we went to nursery yesterday morning Jim , all the children
9 I went to Hoebury yesterday afternoon and they 're fully booked till one thirty in the afternoon .
10 so I went to Johnstown yesterday afternoon .
11 It is no improvement merely to add a label , saying — taking an example at random — that left for Scotland yesterday morning is a verb phrase if by that we simply mean that it consists of a certain sequence of word classes recognized as frequently occurring .
12 Told you last night smoked like hell yesterday afternoon , she coughed her bloody heart up last night .
13 THE pilot of a vintage fighter plane was killed after it ploughed into moorland yesterday afternoon .
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