Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] making [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Karen Noddings , 18 , of Emley Moor Road , Darlington , appeared before town magistrates yesterday charged with making false representation to obtain social security benefit .
2 All of which contributed to making happier Q.T. days .
3 Those are the figures that the NFU found on making simple inquiries .
4 Hence the PFA concentrated on making small gains .
5 There were various factors that came into making this decision but one of the things is I 'm heartily sick that I have never been able to go away on holiday in the autumn ever in my life .
6 In justifying their policies , however , they sometimes stooped to making public statements that were palpable nonsense : denying that space heating was a peak load , and devoting efforts commensurate with those of the ostrich to shift discussion to more defensible territory .
7 Such a statement would be a useful reference point when it came to making tough decisions in the public expenditure rounds — between pay rises and investment projects , for instance .
8 In fact we had made three other variations on the theme before we came to making this piece so there was really no excuse for getting it wrong , but we did .
9 If it ever came to making hard choices over monetary policy or economic policy where the needs of one region or country conflicted with those of Germany , it is fanciful to think that her priorities , as the self-styled ‘ motor ’ of Europe , would not prevail .
10 The findings were , essentially , that those rats or students receiving the uncontrollable unpleasant experience began by making determined efforts to stop or escape it , but after a lack of success , eventually became passive and helpless .
11 But you decided against making that gesture .
12 The significant difference was that by the 1750s this speculation in land looked like making good sense .
13 But ours also revealed a bit of quick thinking enterpise : Eight year old Adam who 's had his pocket money stopped , spotted our camera , and before we left insisted on making this appeal :
14 I refrained from making any statement until I had the erm minutes which I received the er , agenda which I received the next day which contradict the abandonment , but if the idea was to sort of give this troublesome member from Bungay a heart attack , er it failed , cos I 'm still here and ticking , now I would like to go through once again the , the point regarding Bungay and I hope the committee will take it on board with .
15 She fell into the way of sitting with him at supper , liking the custom that the Beastline creatures had of making each evening a little ceremony in its own right .
16 The court continued by making some observations , undoubtedly obiter , about the powers of the Serious Fraud Office as regarded the person under investigation himself .
17 Crane , despite his activity , remained behind making occasional sorties off the road to look behind some tree or peer into a thicket .
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