Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [prep] the body " in BNC.

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1 The awful triumvirate of fear , guilt and anger has to be faced and the tension built up in the body dealt with .
2 A chemical smell on the breath or unexplained traces of glue or other solvents found either on the body or on clothes .
3 But I repeat if we are united in a common baptism united together as the body of Christ in the world the primary union in Christ is acknowledged .
4 In short , the basic instinct which seemed to tell many people that they needed a good ‘ clean out ’ , and that nasty things could happen while waste matter lingered around in the body , seems to have been largely correct .
5 He turned away from the body and looked for Fiver among the rabbits behind him .
6 Morse now closed his eyes and turned away from the body : ‘ A toga pinned together with the Wolvercote Tongue , no doubt . ’
7 She turned back to the body .
8 Stand with feet apart , a flag in either hand , the arms straight and pressed close to the body .
9 The next generation of anti-malarials may be the first to be developed with specific biochemical knowledge of how the malaria parasite can be attacked and killed once inside the body .
10 Huy stepped closer to the body .
11 ‘ More than likely , ’ Mauer replied , then squatted down beside the body .
12 The 555's neck is maple with a rosewood fingerboard , glued in to the body in a Les Paul Junior kind of style , giving a clear run right to the top 22nd fret .
13 The violence in Abidjan started , according to local reports , when a group of youths broke away from the body of the march and attacked the court where Ahipeaud was due to stand trial .
14 He went right through the body , from head to toe , showing how every part , every last detail , was like the interior of a beautifully fashioned watch .
15 ( And in the alleyway behind The Gilded Cage , the three teenagers crouched high amidst the rubbish and looked down on the body of the middle-aged woman that they 'd just uncovered .
16 Pressing himself against the wall he looked down at the body .
17 As he looked down at the body he used to love , he thanked God for letting him arrive in time .
18 Maurice came a little way into the room , looked down at the body and moved away again .
19 She looked down at the body and felt sadness .
20 I went over to the body nearest to me , the rubber soled Commando boots sticking out from under the blanket .
21 I went close to the body .
22 The daughter went up to the body of her mother and initially started talking quietly to her , tears streaming down her face .
23 Tsu Ma looked back at the body — the real body , not the lifelike GenSyn copy he had ‘ killed ’ — and understood .
24 Morrell forged a new era in BEM methods of therapy by formulating a method whereby EM signals from the body are converted and sent back into the body to stimulate the organism 's self-repair mechanisms .
25 The left hand was flung out , the right lay closer to the body .
26 As suddenly as it was there it was gone again , retracted back into the body of the stick .
27 • Fins held close to the body
28 I thought to myself that , however far they had wandered , if they ended up in the body of Leonard Arthur Pike they must be really desperate .
29 We cheered three Egyptians who stood up in the body of the hall and cried , ‘ We want Nasser ’ .
30 These warnings assumed even greater importance because Opren stayed around in the body for a long time .
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