Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] possible for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Brooke-Rose 's encounter with Lacanian theories of subjectivity made it possible for her to relinquish her last link with realism by breaking with the notion of character as discrete individual .
2 All those who made it possible for me to realize a lifetime 's ambition .
3 He thought I was too silly for words , but he made it possible for me to keep Perdita , so I 'll always be grateful . ’
4 Perhaps it was this , the fact that she now had someone else to love her , that made it possible for me to make a proper apology , to stutter out confusedly , red-faced , that I was sorry about what had happened .
5 It was a belief in a designing and orderly God which made it possible for him to think there might be a consistent cause for his ‘ headaches ’ .
6 Although the first two rounds of this year 's Davis Cup , one week after the Australian Open and then a week after Lipton , made it possible for him to fit them into his tournament programme for the first three months of the year when his number one ranking was under such threat , he says , ‘ The Davis Cup is certainly one of my priorities now . ’
7 I provided the calm , the cleanliness , the order and nourish-ment that made it possible for him to work .
8 He admired Jotan 's detachment , and concluded that it was the lack of direct involvement which made it possible for him to behave as if nothing had occurred which could be the source of concern .
9 While the politics of the time may have been sterile , it does appear to have had more than its share of colourful characters ; bogus radicals like A.P.T.James and Chanka Maharaj ; the legendary and fabulously wealthy Bhadase Maraj , who was an American-style ward boss ; Norman Tang , whose mastery of the ‘ art ’ of inscrutability made it possible for him to ‘ develop the reputation of being the only minister never accused by the Civil Service of political interference ’ .
10 GLC funding made it possible for them to conduct a research project into the lives of young lesbians and gays .
11 Advertising made it possible for them to distribute news practically free of charge , with the profit coming from marketing .
12 Their long-lived presence made it possible for them to act as a kind of semi-permanent critique of newer cultural trends .
13 She had called it ‘ Death in the Buildings ’ , and had based it not only on the tragedy she had witnessed , but had also written of the temptation for young girls to make money by selling themselves than by working long hours for poor pay , and had followed that by writing of women 's disabilities in a world where care in childbirth was minimal , and how only the kindness of humane doctors made it possible for them to have any skilled treatment at all .
14 This led to a surplus of qualified workers and made it possible for their work and pay to be devalued .
15 Father took you and the youngster in twelve … no , thirteen years ago ; he made it possible for you not
16 I merely made it possible for you to come back to me the sooner . ’
17 She put us back on our feet and made it possible for us to live again .
18 For all those who made it possible for us to be here thank you God .
19 We 're gon na come around the Lord 's table now and celebrate what made it possible for us , and we 're gon na sing that little song , it 's in the front of your erm Songs of Fellowship , it 's number five .
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