Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] been [adj] enough " in BNC.

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1 She had wanted to meet the young man again , but now the opportunity had been afforded her she had not been confident enough to accept it .
2 Or the golfer in question could claim ‘ non-performance ’ by Fearnley , that his efforts to secure lucrative contracts on the golfer 's behalf had not been successful enough .
3 On Nov. 13 and 17 respectively the court ruled that Stoph , who had not been well enough to attend the previous day and had heart problems , and Mielke were too ill stand trial .
4 Therefore , since the sellers ' breach had not been serious enough to go to the root of the contract , the buyers were entitled only to damages .
5 He had not got a result on the first case because he had not been sharp enough .
6 As they listened in class to the dialogues which the children were constructing for themselves they were able to see quite clearly where their preparation had been deficient and where their teaching of new material had not been thorough enough .
7 She had not been brutal enough to mention the office rumour and Ayling had not expected his words to be interpreted that way .
8 Since the new hospital had not been large enough from the moment it had been built , prefabricated huts bred fissiparously , and straggled now under the shadow of the main building .
9 At the last moment she had not been brave enough .
10 I invented a new battle of Neuve Chapelle , as if the original had not been bad enough .
11 To suggestions that he was implying that the Labour leadership had not been bold enough so far , Mr Edmonds said : ‘ There is something of a hangover from the last election at the moment .
12 Clearly the dose had not been severe enough .
13 But it had n't been strong enough to make him say :
14 ‘ What did you do that for ? ’ said Bravd , who had n't been close enough to hear the words .
15 Indeed argued in his nineteen forty seven document that the May the fourth directive ha dire directive had n't been thorough enough .
16 She had n't been good enough to keep her plants alive .
17 But Lorton might have suggested it himself , if Dougal had n't been stupid enough to volunteer .
18 But they had n't been near enough .
19 He had been over twenty before he had even found out about it but he had n't been old enough to dare ask his grandmother how it had been and how she had felt and what they had talked about .
20 She had even been clever enough to provide an escort for the T'ang .
21 He had even been confident enough to order a celebration dinner at the White Hart Hotel in Aylesbury for that evening .
22 Once Mandru had even been frank enough to remark to one of the vibrancers that the sound of Nehushtah 's voice gave him a headache .
23 The applause from their fellow athletes a welcome sound some had never been fortunate enough to enjoy before
24 Now , as the son came to see the marble bust for the last time , court photographers crowded around to capture the poignancy of the son saying goodbye , presumably with a sense of terrible failure , to the father for whom he had never been good enough .
25 Their marriage had been under strain for some years and they had never been brave enough to admit it to a third party .
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