Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] upon [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bluetits may be famous for having figured out how to remove the silver foil caps from our early morning milk bottles , to find a creamy delight beneath , but I remember watching with amusement as one of our local bluetits swooped down upon a friend 's Mercedes sports car parked in our driveway and perseveringly attempted to remove the central silver disc from the Mercedes logo on the front bonnet .
2 looking in one direction you might imagine yourself in Greenland ; another , and you gazed down upon a nest of' mill chimneys .
3 A boom was now built across the River Foyle which connected it , via Lough Foyle , with the open sea , and the 30,000 citizens began a long ordeal by privation and disease , in which many thousands died , while enemy bombs plunged down upon the town .
4 During most of the 1950s and 1960s UK governments as a whole concentrated predominantly upon the employment objective , with the balance of payments frequently exerting a cons-traint on the achievement of this goal .
5 I turned away from the window and sank down upon the bed .
6 Rex took a deep breath , sprang out from hiding and drew down upon the boy in the business suit .
7 ‘ After a while the sun beat down upon the mist and filled it with light and warmth , and a wind blew and the mist thinned and cleared .
8 The sun beat down upon the crowd and glittered on the richly embroidered vestments .
9 This was a prevalent interpretation within the EEC , and one which was reinforced by the tone of the debate in the British House of Commons upon the Stockholm Convention , in which most speakers concentrated more upon the relationship with the EEC than upon the organisation and aims of EFTA .
10 The educational debate during the years immediately following the war concentrated more upon the nature of secondary schooling than it did upon the primary stage .
11 David Batty used once upon a time to write an agony column in rec.sport.soccer .
12 Jung can appear to link quite well with sociology ; indeed , he drew indirectly upon the work of the Durkheim School in developing his understanding of collective symbols .
13 Thatcherism , like Reaganism , drew heavily upon the work of bright neo-conservatives outraged by the ‘ years of stagnation ’ in the prime ministerships of Harold Wilson and James Callaghan .
14 They turned into the bottom of High Hill , and began to ascend it , leaning forward against the incline , and against the rain that drove down upon the umbrella .
15 Right they dried up upon the earth .
16 In a temple courtyard they came unexpectedly upon a troupe of imperial singers and dancers rehearsing a performance ; garbed in dazzling costumes of gold , red , green and turquoise , the expressionless boys and girls were indistinguishable from one another in their close-fitting bonnets as they performed the mannered steps of a delicate oriental dance to the plaintive .
17 Above , Yar Tor frowned down upon the intrusion , but the travellers did n't notice .
18 If one man would pay generously to become Nawab , then so would another , and the attraction of gifts paid out upon a change of ruler led to the deposition of three Nawabs in rapid succession , which reduced the position to one which was obviously that of a puppet of the Company .
19 This outward aggression , however , if it can not be expressed to the object has to be turned inwards in depression , which is anger turned back upon the person .
20 ‘ If this matter rested solely upon the question of the best interests of the children I should have no doubt whatever that their welfare would be better served by their remaining in England in order that their future be determined by the High Court here .
21 Behind it lay two political motives : first , to see the Plan as the first step towards an effective political integration , and second the political conviction that stability and union within Western Europe rested ultimately upon a rapprochement between France and West Germany .
22 The various regional associations which were formed at various times in Eastern and Western Europe , in Africa , in the Middle East or in Latin America , rested either upon the predominance of one nation state over others in the region , or upon a limited agreement about a framework within which national economic interests could be more effectively pursued ; and they all showed themselves largely incapable of controlling the vigorous expression of such interests in periods of crisis .
23 The event was significant , for it followed hard upon the death in April of King John II in England , where he was still a prisoner .
24 Another sporting triumph followed hard upon the conquest of Everest and gave added reassurance to the nation , especially those steeped in the amateur spirit for whom the demolition of English professional football by Puskas and the Hungarians was not a matter for much regret .
25 As a result , he gave up any further pretense of restoring constitutional democracy and relied instead upon the enactment of a ‘ direct democracy ’ between himself and ’ the people ’ .
26 It has been calculated that while Stapledon spent just under half his time before the 1320s in his diocese , once he became treasurer barely a tenth of his time was passed at Exeter ; he relied instead upon the machinery of deputies to maintain his authority and execute his wishes there .
27 Before 1322 , however , because of his often fraught relations with the magnates , Edward relied heavily upon the church for essential funds .
28 When committing himself enthusiastically to an undeniably outrageous tactic , this brave and noble warrior not only left his mark on the opposition but touched significantly upon a dilemma that threatens to develop into an insurmountable and perhaps crucifying problem for Bobby Robson , the temporarily reprieved England manager .
29 Cornelius drew the curtains and gazed out upon the day .
30 It moved from being a component in the domestic strategy for the conquest of power to the key element in the overthrow of world capitalism , founded now upon an alliance of European workers and the nationalist movements of Asia .
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