Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [prep] the back " in BNC.

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1 And it seemed Fergie 's ten man heroes had squeezed out a momentous victory until the soccer fates suddenly stabbed them in the back in the pouring rain of Moscow .
2 Everyone laughed , and the captain clapped me on the back and called me a good fellow .
3 They laughed and clapped me on the back and handed the container round the circle again .
4 Then they clapped me on the back with too many hands , thrust upon me the plastiform wafer that confirmed payment of the rest of my fee , and proclaimed that they would create a song for the festival in praise of ’ the , most safe and reliable Delmore Curb , master courier ’ .
5 Her boyfriend found them in the back of his van , abandoned by someone months or years before their discovery , and they have collected chocolate stains from half eaten Minstrels and white smears from Quaker oats .
6 Although Phil had been slightly reserved in his manner towards her ( Nancy ) , she knew that that was his way and she was enjoying the company of that wiry , small-boned , gently spoken citizen from Sacramento who almost invariably found himself at the back of every queue that ever formed itself .
7 She was able to get her bearings this way and soon found herself at the back of the house .
8 CALLOUS thieves dumped a baby in the street after they found her in the back seat of the car they had just stolen .
9 I found her in the back kitchen , standing over the chef who was rolling out pastry .
10 Tears jumped into Evelyn 's eyes and she started to hurry in the direction of the girls ' barracks , ignoring the missiles which caught her on the back and arms or dropped uselessly on either side .
11 A former inmate at Gloucester jail has been telling a jury how a senior prison officer beat him across the back .
12 Today I took on the world No 1 , and that 's not easy , and beat him from the back of the court .
13 We found it on the back .
14 Nevil choked me until I almost passed out , then he lifted me out of the driver 's seat and bundled me into the back of Armstrong , hitting me on the back of the neck with what could have been an anvil but was probably his fist .
15 After all , if the British government knifed him in the back when he was pursuing their patriotic interest , what was the point of going on ?
16 Taking off her jacket , she dropped it over the back of a chair and picked distastefully at the damp folds of her burgundy skirt .
17 In fact , they showed me at the back , she 's got the vertical
18 Like Lucifer falling out of Heaven , he threw himself off the back of the pageant , not caring that the paving stones lay three leagues below .
19 " Answer ! " hissed Mrs Prynn , and dug her in the back .
20 The manager was okay — all she wanted was to get the place calmed down — and she showed us out the back way . ’
21 I remember feeling Morris dealing with my dead-weight , as he folded and shovelled me into the back of the cab .
22 The dogs followed me along the back passage .
23 He kissed me in the back of the car while we waited for the others , but nothing moved in me .
24 Filmer , extremely smooth in a dark suit and grey tie , solicitously removed Daffodil 's chinchillas and hung them over the back of her chair .
25 Wearily she took off her stockings and hung them on the back of the chair to get ready for bed .
26 She even made a miniature Guide uniform for one four-year-old tot , and popped her on the back of her bicycle when she went out to the reserve for Guide meetings .
27 As she followed him to the back of the shop , Sophie remembered with sharp dismay the appointment she had made with Dawn .
28 He obediently followed her into the back kitchen , and gave a delighted whoop when he saw the big pot of homemade faggots and mushy peas simmering on the polished black range .
29 In the heat of the kitchen she had removed her costume jacket and hung it over the back of a nearby chair .
30 There was a rustle beside her as Gladys removed a shapeless cardigan and hung it over the back of the adjoining chair .
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