Example sentences of "[coord] admitted [that] he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 He went all quiet and un-Oliver-like and admitted that he 'd got the sack .
2 He said he knew the tablets would not have harmed him and admitted that he had taken them to make his wife see how much he needed her .
3 Following his comments Shoob on Oct. 5 acceded to requests by the authorities to withdraw from the case and admitted that he had reached " certain preliminary conclusions " concerning the evidence .
4 Where , in competition with the liquidator of an insolvent company , a creditor of the company was successful in obtaining a renewal of the certificate ( though he had neither right to , nor possession of , the premises in respect of which the certificate was granted ) and admitted that he held it in trust for the company 's creditors , he was ordered to deliver up the certificate to the liquidator : Wm .
5 I 'd been hurt — the man I thought loved me had not only jilted me and stolen my money , but admitted that he had n't wanted me in the first place .
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