Example sentences of "[coord] claims that it [is] " in BNC.

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1 He admits that the concept of Wabi is alluring to the vendor but then damningly turns and claims that it 's a solution to the problems of the vendor community , not those of the customers ' .
2 In the tradition of Advaita or non-Dualism he refers to the soul , ( Ātman ) , and God , ( Brahman ) , as knowers rather than objects of knowledge and claims that it is not possible for mortal beings by the use of reason alone to know the knower of knowing .
3 Each picks out a different type of factor and claims that it is the key to a causal understanding of the Industrial Revolution ; and in doing so , each relies on an undefended account of the assumptions that need to be embodied in satisfactory explanations .
4 Memorex Telex NV 's Peripherals Group in Milpitas , California has made good on its promise to offer a version of its 5100 Automated Tape Library for IBM Corp AS/400 9406 processors , and claims that it is the first such library in the AS/400 market .
5 Intel Corp rates the 66MHz version of the Pentium chip at 112 MIPS — well it is claimed to execute two instructions per cycle — one for each of its parallel arithmetic-logic units — two five-stage execution units , and claims that it is five times more powerful than the original 80486 microprocessor and over 300 times faster than the 8088 ; it contains 3.1m transistors , compared with 1.2m for the 80486 ; it is manufactured in Intel 's 0.8 micron three-metal layer BiCMOS process technology ; it has two 8Kb on-chip caches and a fully compatible floating point unit that is up to five times faster than the one on the 80486 at the same clock speed ; to get around the problem that the thing can squeal to a halt when it comes to a branch that stalls the instruction stream , it includes branch prediction , where the chip remembers prior instruction pathways and predicts the correct pathway for a new instruction .
6 Intel Corp rates the 66MHz version of the Pentium chip at 112 MIPS — well it is claimed to execute two instructions per cycle — one for each of its parallel arithmetic-logic units — two five-stage execution units , and claims that it is five times more powerful than the original 80486 microprocessor and over 300 times faster than the 8088 .
7 AEG AG 's Fort Lauderdale , Florida-based Modular Computer Systems Inc reports that X/Open Co Ltd has completed the certification of its Real/IX real-time Unix operating system , and claims that it is the first real-time Unix to be registered with X/Open under its test and verification programme for open systems .
8 Windows 3.1 is much better in this respect and claims that it is safe to carry on after killing an application but I personally would still prefer to re-start Windows .
9 Double glazing may discourage intrusion , but claims that it is burglar-proof are rather exaggerated .
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