Example sentences of "[coord] let them [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 Angels are notoriously difficult to sex , especially without experience , so buy several and let them choose their own mates .
2 Keep a good look out for them , give them plenty of clearance ( they may be moving faster than you think ) and let them make their moves in safety .
3 I find it impossible to comprehend the scale of this arena , and that afternoon provided a great opportunity to relax in the mountains and let them have their effect on us .
4 They 'll be like a dog with a rag , tugging away at it , with growls and grunts till you loosen your hold and let them have their rightful trophy .
5 As John Allen , chaplain to the Bishop of Chester , put it in an Assize Sermon preached at Chester in April 1682 : " Let us be as zealous and couragious and industrious too , to support , and preserve the Government both in Church and State , as they [ the Whigs and Nonconformists ] are stubbornly bent , and furiously acted to demolish and destroy it : While we have good Laws , for God 's sake , let us live and act according to them ; and let them have their course upon All those , that do violate , affront , and defie them " .
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