Example sentences of "[coord] turned [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She could have been stoned , people would have mocked her as she passed in the street , as they jeered and booed that girl Serafina when she started getting bigger and everyone knew who 'd done it but they could n't do anything about it , not even kill him , because he was the son of a nobleman -Rosalba shuddered , remembering the way Serafina had thrown up her chin and turned and screamed at her tormentors , ‘ And which one of you is so good that you can point at me ! ’ , then dropped her head and run away down the street , holding her heavy breasts as she ran .
2 But then the streets had led one into another and twisted and turned and escaped into strange territories …
3 He saw them and halted , standing at gaze for a moment open-mouthed and great-eyed , and then he whooped like a huntsman hot after game , and turned and ran like a hare for the hall , bounding as he ran .
4 He released her abruptly and turned and walked into the kitchen .
5 ‘ Bye , dreema , ’ she said suddenly and turned and fled into the house .
6 ‘ You must join us for dinner , of course , ’ he suggested quietly and turned to the waiter , but before a request for a more accommodating table was spoken Maria Luisa , to everyone 's shock , gave out a sudden sob of protest and turned and fled from the restaurant .
7 He did not immediately get out of the car but turned and looked at Sara .
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