Example sentences of "[coord] they need [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 However , effective S-turns are not easy to do , and they need to be practised if they are not to end up in dangerously steep turns or in bringing the final turn too close to the field .
2 But , when you consider that seeds of F1 geraniums cost 20-30p each and they need to be sown in a heated greenhouse in January or early February , plants are a better buy .
3 And they need to be praised and thanked , too ! ’
4 These are drastic actions , and they need to be ; this person is about to carve you up or even murder you .
5 They need food , shelter , a space to live and they need to be protected .
6 Planners need a thorough understanding of the subject field to be explored , and its structure in enquiry ; they need to know what materials , print-form or audio-visual , are available , and suitable , and what special problems they may reveal ; they need to have available at the right time suitable equipment , and places where the equipment may be used , and they need to be sure that the student is able to find and make use of all the resources he may need in the periods of the timetable allotted to the activity .
7 So it 's that lack of security , lack of confidence about the future , and they need to be ins assured that there is , hopefully , a light at the end of the tunnel .
8 As a result of good product design , developments in colour printing , trading up , increased marketing by museums and galleries and perhaps above all the ‘ image ’ culture promulgated by television and the media more generally , calendars have come out of the office and potting shed and into prime sites in the home — and they need to be replaced every year .
9 So we 've major problems and they need to be taken up .
10 They need to understand the importance of the regular drug treatment , and they need to be supported in their efforts to deal with their own guilt , depression and daily stress of living with a person with schizophrenia .
11 Plants need to be nurtured they need to be looked after and they need to be made they need to know that they come out with id with their ideas .
12 People need rules in order to live and work together efficiently , and they need to be protected when they rely on those rules .
13 You know this whole of idea of things and ritual being the holy and that things in the ritual there yes , there are sacred symbols and they need to be handled in that , that , that sense of sacredness , but the that which makes them sacred is the person , our Lord and us in communion with him and with each other and it seems to me that wherever that happens there is sacrament .
14 It 's wonderful to be back but it 's also very sad because a lot of people are still in Iraq and Kuwait and they need to be got out .
15 ( It is also preferable to rug them in cold or wet weather , but they need to be under daily supervision in case the rug slips . )
16 Electors may have conservative instincts but they need to be helped if they are to trust those instincts .
17 Nurses should not pry but they need to be sensitive to any cues which indicate a patient 's desire to discuss anxieties .
18 But they need to be reassured that in all countries results from research tend to be indirect and to take time before they come to fruition .
19 a box containing sealed jars of dried raisins , amazingly still edible ( enough for 30 meals here , but they need to be eked out with other food to avoid severe stomach upsets ! ) ;
20 The commitments are listed in the next chapter , but they need to be put in the context of their presentation and the way the law and order issue was handled during the election campaign .
21 Both are important in affecting state-enterprise bargaining , but they need to be assessed separately .
22 The outcome will be influenced by their effort , but they need to be heavily compensated for bearing risks .
23 They now have a chance of a better one — but they need to be able to recognise that .
24 It is not that police statistics are misleading on recorded crime , but they need to be considered in the context of the BCS and the local crime surveys .
25 I 've found that camellias , rhododendrons and azaleas do well in the shady conditions , but they need to be planted with lots of ericaceous around the roots . ’
26 I certainly want teachers to respond closely to the situation in which they are — but they need to be clear about the overall function of RE , what it is about , in order to respond in a way which is meaningful so as not to be just taken over by the latest influence .
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