Example sentences of "[coord] are not allow [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you have rented accommodation and ca n't or do n't want to put fabric up permanently- or are not allowed to paint , for that matter-then you can hang fabric instead .
2 Magistrates who deal with family matters have been specially trained and are not allowed to sit in the Family Court until that training has been completed .
3 You have to have a licence to have a C.B. and when you get your licence you also get given a rule book which tells you all the things you are and are not allowed to do and say when using the C.B. One of the rules is that you are not allowed to swear down the C.B. as anybody can listen into your conversation and hear you swearing .
4 They can not advertise prices for sale to the public that do not include value-added tax , and are not allowed to submit products , quoted at base model price , to magazines for review or to customers for evaluation , if they exceed the usual specifications .
5 Two teams sit in lines facing each other about four feet apart and are not allowed to get off their chairs .
6 But the problem is that they may not be able to deal adequately with operating systems and computer environments that they do n't know and are not allowed to market ; especially given the financial position many of them are in .
7 But the problem is that they may not be able to deal adequately with operating systems and computer environments that they do n't know and are not allowed to market ; especially given the financial position many of them are in .
8 The Euro-fudge that has emerged , à lat Maastricht , means that producers can continue to use hybrid vines for table wines , but are not allowed to employ the word English on the label .
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