Example sentences of "[coord] he had already [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Either he left when he discovered the pregnancy , or he had already gone , or the relationship had broken up in the first year or two after having the baby , when he had been unwilling or unable to settle down and take the responsibility .
2 It was too early yet to go to his lodgings and he had already made his visit to the hospital to see how Byford was getting on .
3 Dad 's first name was George , and he had already made it clear on several occasions that when Granpa retired he had no intention of taking over from him as he did n't want to leave his mates on the docks .
4 In 1718 he had helped to form the Society of Antiquaries in London and he had already begun his revolutionary survey work into the Stonehenge and Avebury stone circles .
5 Mr Wilson said the budget would not increase this year , and he had already secured the agreement and support of the police , the regional council 's highway department , the British Athletics Federation , and BBC 's Grandstand .
6 Rostov 's authority was limited at all times by the secrecy requirements which surrounded every incomplete survey , and he had already concluded that his presence on the mission was actually of questionable value .
7 The previous house was no good because , with epilepsy , the stairs were a risk and he had already broken most of his ribs .
8 In 1980 retailer Paul Smith owned one shop in Covent Garden ( the first clothing shop in the area ) and one in Nottingham , and he had already started selling abroad .
9 Rhetoric was a thing he would gladly have murdered ; and he had already carried out his theory of honest thinking at the expense of considerable financial and perhaps emotional sacrifices .
10 Dunlop appeared to be catching Moodie and he had already put in that record lap of 115.62mph on lap three , but Moodie always had matters well in hand .
11 Malleson had said that half the people were as ready to drop out as he was and he had already dropped out .
12 He brought laboratory reports on the undertaker 's clothing and other items which had been sent to him and he had already spent an hour examining the Wheel .
13 She was going to offer him an armchair to sit in but he had already decided to settle at the pinewood table .
14 His luck was in , at least for the moment , but he had already decided not to tempt fate again .
15 At the end of 1985 he qualified as a solicitor ( ‘ this was the safety net and I had written my thesis on the copyright laws , which has been very useful to me ’ ) , but he had already decided to take the plunge as a full time professional musician .
16 ‘ Police were on the scene very quickly , but he had already cycled away .
17 ‘ Police were on the scene very quickly , but he had already cycled away .
18 We rang Duncan to ask where he was going on holiday , but he had already gone away .
19 But he had already said something similar to Burun , and did not know which of his words had been repeated verbatim .
20 Werewolf had opted for clear plastic goggles but he had already dispensed with them , tying them to his belt .
21 But he had already scored both Arsenal goals — which may surprise Graham Taylor , who picked him for his England squad only to be told he 's not fit enough .
22 The judge , Mr Justice Humphrey Potts , said he would have put Casabona behind bars for two years but he had already served an equivalent term on remand .
23 ‘ You 're an offensive shit , Bellybutton , ’ I said in a very friendly voice , but he had already turned his attention away from me because a car had suddenly appeared in the yard .
24 ‘ My family were Huguenots , my lady , and therefore unwanted in la belle France , ’ D'Alembord 's contemptuous scorn for France made the Countess bridle , but he had already turned back to Lucille .
25 I wanted to shake his hand , but he had already turned away .
26 She wanted to shriek , to curse him into all eternity — but he had already turned his back and was strolling towards the sitting-room .
27 Harold was a tie-wearer , against the fashion , but he had already removed it , and his grey jacket , which surprised her .
28 He gave evidence in support of the claims of the tenantry before the Bessborough commission ( 1880 ) but he had already come to prominence when he performed brilliantly as an expert witness on canon law in the celebrated O'Keefe law case in 1875 .
29 But he had already left the cell and , with a parting wink of his fat kindly face , shut the door .
30 But he had already rung off .
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