Example sentences of "[coord] he 'd [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In spite of his explanations they 'd insisted on signing him out at the little cabin , and he 'd snatched the case out of his car and run back , wondering why it always rained .
2 She 'd tossed him some bait , and he 'd swallowed the rod .
3 and then there was another man a way up Street and and he 'd made the claw carved the claw and balls .
4 Yes , we have , I mean other types of , of clips that we would n't show for different reasons , for instance we , we got one last week where a chap was decorating his lounge and he 'd locked the camera off on himself , but he had no clothes on , nothing funny happened , he was just decorating with no clothes on .
5 And he 'd done the right thing in getting that wallet back to Blackbeard , because Blackbeard was horribly evil and would have come after them if Joe had n't been sensible .
6 He had helped her carry the shopping to his old car , which now would probably never be replaced — and he 'd fixed the fairy lights , but that was about all .
7 I said ’ Oh yes ’ and I saw the and he 'd kept the collar on , and of course he 'd given me the one that tossed his head up did n't he !
8 And then Keeley had nudged him and he 'd found the words she wanted , and still it was n't enough — she called him a liar and wept even louder .
9 Not once had he tried to take advantage of her and he 'd had the chance .
10 Bob had had the Bulgarian State Non-Ferrous Metals Trust jamboree the previous month , and he 'd had the Cosmosair inaugural to Saarbrucken himself .
11 and his wife , it was her second marriage , her first one had been to the doctor and he had actually examined paedophilia backed off , basically said well she did n't , she could n't get a conviction but it was quite clear that he had the motive and he 'd had the opportunity because Connie died from the fire which Harvey Jones had set cos he found out
12 He said our flight had been delayed and he 'd spent the time in the bar , and then added , rather unconvincingly , that some woman had insisted on ‘ plying Phaeton with liquor ’ as he put it , but there was a hollowness in the way he said it , and I do n't think either Gill or I believed him for a moment .
13 And he 'd rediscovered the old , private erotics : spit , palm and fantasy .
14 He was the reigning world champion and he 'd won the first two races of the season .
15 She crossed one leg over the other , and he 'd forgotten the incident again until he 'd gone to the car to bring in his brief case and check on the records before they went down to eat and to listen to the Donegal sound of Michael and his boys in the Connemara suite .
16 The American had used Father to set the financial wheels turning for the takeover ; employed him , you might say ; and he 'd suggested the inside trade and how it might be made . ’
17 It had grown stale and ugly and he 'd left the Party the first time they sent the tanks in , but he did n't stop believing in the dream , the illusion , the myth , any more than he stopped believing in the Devil just because he did n't think there was a God .
18 But he 'd made the error of showing a little too much claw at the same time .
19 But he 'd traced the mother , he 'd said so , so it could n't be that .
20 He should have made a point of looking at the evening coverage before doing his own piece ; but he 'd seen the people they 'd sent to the press conference at the hospital , dismissed them as unlikely to do a decent job on it , and promptly forgotten them .
21 But he 'd seen the advert in The Oxford Mail , and the prospect of an Open Day at Didcot had proved irresistible .
22 But he 'd seen the number did n't he
23 And Mr Fry was floating out there in the mistiness , and he was busy wallpapering too but he 'd got the paper in a mess — he 'd put the paste on it and picked it up paste side nearest and it was sticking to him .
24 Cawthorne had had to duck his head to get in there , but he 'd left the door wide open .
25 ‘ Where do yer think yer gooin' ? ’ she demanded , but he 'd closed the door behind him and left .
26 He did n't leave any money , but he 'd paid the rent in advance for six months .
27 The flat was mine , you see , but he 'd bought the furniture , so he took everything except the child 's cot .
28 He 'd answered with some folderol about seeking the ideal woman , but he 'd known the truth even as he was spinning her this tosh , and it was a bitter thing .
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