Example sentences of "[coord] i 'd [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 And I 'd do the same for him .
2 We 've both become victims of Private Eye and I know that he would laugh at some of the things they 've said about me , and I 'd do the same to him .
3 ‘ Adorable , ’ Matthew said , thinking , just pass me Alexandra 's wellie and I 'd do the same .
4 ‘ Oh , I love the countryside , ’ leers the singer , ‘ and I 'd miss the sheep . ’
5 And he used to come to with his black horse and dray and I used to go to help him on a er on a Saturday morning , used to get to about perhaps nine or half past and I 'd go the rounds with him and all I used to do was to er take the peoples things that they 'd bought up the entry you see because they were all entries then .
6 And I 'd pull the pints .
7 If those men were not working on the gas I would go over there now , and I 'd switch the fire and I 'd leave it on .
8 And I 'd leave the buggers there as well .
9 Erm and I 'd remind the panel of the statements in P P G twelve erm paragraph three seven , that the government expects to see substantially complete coverage er for district wide local plans within five years .
10 What , what people had , had Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and they perhaps came for their order on the , or their weekend joint on the Friday and I 'd make the whole ticket up and they 'd pay and then that ticket would be torn off and if they wanted that meat delivered on the Saturday , that would be delivered with that ticket on the top .
11 At my parents house , erm , in that , we 've had an extension in there , so the garden 's not there any more , but erm , I used , the light used to come in from the windows , so of at , at the angle to the bath , so I could n't lift my leg up , so I rub it gently like this , and I 'd watch the told me where I missed bits and
12 I needed to fly dead into wind approaching the pilot , but keeping him on my right , and I 'd drop the dinghy slightly upwind of him so it would blow downwind to him .
13 The wound of entry was small and I 'd say the gun was held at a little more than an inch from the chap 's neck . ’
14 And I 'd get the afternoon off .
15 Perhaps a letter from the local party chairman saying , ‘ I 'm interested to learn you are a supporter of ours and I 'd like the opportunity to get to know you .
16 I 've gone to see my favourite players play — I 'd see them one night and they 'd be phenomenal and I 'd like the show so much that I would go the next night , drive two hours to see it and it would suuuuck ! and that 's just the way it is . ’
17 But I never ever had a running line , although they did have an order for so many like that and I 'd keep the patterns and the gages and if they wanted any more later on , you know , I used to do that sort of thing for the sake of me customers and all that .
18 I da , I I I tried to but I 'd smoke the place out !
19 I said I did n't think so , as you were rather busy , but I 'd pass the message on .
20 As to which one is best — well , respect must go to the Custom Shop for keeping their standards high ( pity about the bridge , though ) but I 'd take the JD Tele every time .
21 The dessert trolley ( £3.25 per portion ) was tempting , but I 'd recommend the cheese trolley loaded with all the French cheese you 've heard of and more that you have n't .
22 Cute , but I 'd say the effect was of unity rather than a two-sided battle .
23 I do n't know ; but I 'd like the chance to find out .
24 ‘ I should n't think so , Jack , ’ she replied briskly , ‘ but I 'd like the doctor to check you over and maybe do a few tests . ’
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