Example sentences of "[coord] i [am/are] happy [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I have bought Today 's Horse since the beginning and I am happy to say that it is getting better and better — something which can not always be said for the other horsy magazines , which are often repetitive and patronising .
2 To give the engineers a better appreciation of this aspect I encouraged them to learn to fly up to private pilot standard and I am happy to say this was approached by many of them with considerable enthusiasm .
3 In each case I pressed the national authorities concerned to allow me to send a UK ‘ observer ’ to their investigation and I am happy to say that our request was agreed to on each occasion .
4 I should like to know whether the Opposition welcome the reduction of that £0.5 billion burden on British employers or taxpayers or whether they regret it and I am happy to give way now to the hon. Member for Sedgefield if he will answer that question .
5 And I am happy to name the jackass .
6 I am not expensive , and I am happy to take only 20,000 francs a month .
7 ‘ They have asked me to do what I can to help and I am happy to do so . ’
8 I can bear to say that , and I am happy to do so sincerely .
9 It is in you my brethren , that I behold Narayan , for Narayan signifies ‘ God in man' ’ , and I am happy to go on pilgrimage from village to village in order to win every day the vision of God in the faces of my brothers . ’
10 ‘ For the past few years I have built my life around rugby and I am happy to go on doing that until I ca n't go any further in the game ’ , he said .
11 The idea to which my hon. Friend refers strikes me as excellent , and I am happy to support it .
12 I am grateful to my hon. Friend and I am happy to pay tribute to the security services .
13 The Welsh-medium schools provide a first-class education and I am happy to tell my hon. Friend that Welsh is being taught in eight out of 10 primary schools in Wales and in nine out of 10 secondary schools .
14 I have told my hon. Friend in private and I am happy to tell him in public that if the doctors concerned say that when they installed the computer they did not know that the list size criterion existed , I am happy to accept that as a statement of fact .
15 Obviously , this factor alone governs a guitar synth 's overall usefulness as a serious music tool , and I 'm happy to report a significant improvement here .
16 evidence , er I would however like to point out this is n't included into the report , but much of these have these days that incidence of complaints received er by organization such as ours from the general public and I 'm happy to report this indeed can be verified factually that the incidence of complaint against the highway service has dropped off enormously in the last two or three years , certainly within the last two years when we concentrated so much of our time and effort and improved in the quality and immediacy of the service of practice , er the level of complaints these days , and these are general complaints , not
17 We all know the great fiction that the Lab is independent of the police and I 'm happy to go along with it most of the time .
18 That was a year ago , and I 'm happy to say that all went well .
19 Erm , it is perhaps only in the last er , six months or so that the erm , turnaround in the fortunes of erm , er , B Sky B have been acknowledged and er , I think there has been an element in our thinking that we wanted to keep our dry er , until such time as er , B Sky B which we have great belief and faith in and our , as you know we increased our investment during the year erm , sees its way through to profitability and I 'm happy to say that that 's happening now at a reab reasonable rate and that that means that it is highly unlikely that the hundred and thirty million of guarantees that we still have outstanding to B Sky B are likely to be called .
20 There there was a very substantial increase in ninet ninety ninety-one , and I 'm happy to say that , all but two of those projects have been fully funded by sponsors , and in fact , our policy now , and this is operated from the the first of April this year , is that all projects shall be fully funded by sponsors , and that includes a contribution to the overheads that erm , the projects incur .
21 I think that 's what Mr 's moved as an amendment , and I 'm happy to accept that , so that forms part of
22 When it was over the doctor there said , ‘ We 've found four polyps in your colon , and I 'm happy to tell you that none are cancerous . ’
23 I am not precisely sure that I know what the right hon. Gentleman had in mind on sentencing policy , but I am happy to engage in exchanges outside .
24 All this made for a disappointing start but I am happy to say that much else is on an altogether higher level .
25 After the agreement was reached , indignant voices were raised in many quarters , but I am happy to say that few , if any , regarded my behaviour as treacherous .
26 Alas , I was to reach the age of sixty and retire before even the first sod was turned , but I am happy to relate that the building is now complete and occupied by AIB .
27 But I am happy to find that I am not alone .
28 so no winners on the football field for us this weekend … but I 'm happy to say we 've got other victories to celebrate starting with one for Shelley Nutt in the world barefoot water ski-ing championships
29 ‘ It may work out that I do n't get as many as last year , but I 'm happy to play up front and as long as Newcastle go on to win promotion it does n't really matter anyway , ’ said the converted midfield player who marked his 25th birthday with the 51st-minute opener .
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