Example sentences of "[coord] is it necessary [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But there is no obligation to keep rigidly to this rule ; nor is it necessary to take examinations at all the grades .
2 This technique has the advantages that you do n't have to paint or draw anything ; nor is it necessary to tidy up the edges of the wall hanging as this can add to the haphazard effect .
3 This means that the user does not hag to specify that a legend is required , nor is it necessary to give any detailed instructions on the placement of the legend .
4 Some people have felt that this borrowing from Dorothy and others shows a certain egotism on Wordsworth 's part , but it was his method as an artist to absorb things into himself , and think of them for a long period before writing them down ; nor is it necessary to maintain , in any case , that the ‘ I ’ of a Wordsworth poem is necessarily the poet himself — it may stand as a universal shorthand symbol with which the reader can equally identify .
5 She borrows Geoffrey of Vinsauf 's example ‘ the meadows laugh ’ , and comments that while ‘ laugh ’ may be interpreted as ‘ are full of flowers ’ , this interpretation ‘ is not stated , nor is it necessary to guess it … .
6 Nor is it necessary to know any of x 's relational properties in order to understand what it is for it to be round-shaped or metal .
7 That does not have to be decided in this case , nor is it necessary to consider what defences would be open to such a claim for recovery of the money paid if it lay .
8 My wife , an orange badge holder , and myself , know the badge system is abused by certain people but is it necessary to discriminate against the genuine case ?
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