Example sentences of "[coord] it be a bit " in BNC.

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1 I try walking with my hands over my ears , and it 's a bit better .
2 Not much to see there and it 's a bit near the Bun — ’ he chopped his sentence short .
3 Sir , I do n't think I 'll go to the Grand next week , I 'm getting susceptible and it 's a bit bewildering when there are eight and all in one troupe .
4 ‘ I feel fine and I could ride next week , but there are no horses for me and it 's a bit cold , ’ the 57-year-old said last night .
5 It makes a change from housework getting out of the house — and it 's a bit of a challenge too , budgeting and trying to get the cheapest of everything .
6 It 's more just to slow the thing up , when it does slide it 's kind of like ‘ Oh ! ’ and you kinda dig in your knees and everything and it 's a bit of a moment . ’
7 ‘ It 's a French waltz , and it 's a bit made , ’ says she with a disarming grin , ’ so I decided to do it ! ’
8 And it 's a bit difficult to manage with no fridge — just that metal meat safe hanging outside the back door .
9 Erm and it 's a bit like timekeeping I mean they they 've got their own system now for evaluating how good they are at time keeping and I think the erm the figure they try and hit is about ninety five percent is n't it of trains arriving on time .
10 ‘ Look , I 'm one of your cell mates , not a fucking jury , and it 's a bit late to start pleading innocence , is n't it ? ’
11 He said : ‘ Well then , I 've got something to say about him , and it 's a bit juicier than my nonsense at the dog track .
12 Yes , I know it 's from last summer and it 's a bit too tailored for this season , but it 'll do for work .
13 And it 's a bit of a nonsense to say that pigeons perch in trees you may see an odd pigeon sort of settle in a tree but not for long .
14 In fact this is more interesting than you may think because female hyenas have a pseudo-penis , they have , they have a pseudo-scrotum and a pseudo-penis , reasons which are n't fully understood and in order to mate , the male has to insert his real penis into the female pseudo-penis in order to reach her her genital and it 's a bit complicated .
15 It depends whether you can take the information , or whether the information is the essential part and it 's a bit of a fine line there , actually .
16 And it 's a bit rich after the failure of the Conservative Government and this town 's MP to do anything for the economy in this town it looks like an election gimmick , ’ said Coun Williams .
17 And it 's a bit rich after the failure of the Conservative government and this town 's MP to do anything for the economy in this town it looks like an election gimmick . ’
18 And it 's a bit rich after the failure of the Conservative government and this town 's MP to do anything for the economy in this town it looks like an election gimmick . ’
19 He 's kicking 50 years old and it 's a bit manic . ’
20 And it 's a bit silly to wear er a permanent arrangement .
21 ooh and it just stank and it 's a bit greasy and
22 And it 's a bit of problem when you 're shouting Jec !
23 It 's and it 's a bit of a an exhausting day if you do n't feel too well .
24 And it 's a bit , it 's a bit nasty of him really cos when , like , all this thing was with Emma and everything Pete was the one that was really nice to him !
25 If you , you get it to a certain length and it 's a bit too short to have the layers cut out , cos you need it all the same length really and it pisses you off so much .
26 I 'd like my pink carpet up this year , cos after we had it down the electricity come and it 's a bit bobbly this part , once you 've got your
27 But while you 're here leave it covered like this and it 's a bit .
28 And I think it 's a re and it 's a bit er
29 And I was , I du n no , but erm , I must have been run down as well and it 's a bit like going
30 So it 's really something at very low temperatures , and it 's a bit of fundamental physics research .
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