Example sentences of "[coord] it [vb mod] be said " in BNC.

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1 The extent of the duty to state reasons thus varies according to the nature and context of the measure in question , and it may be said that it is not required to go into matters of detail to a disproportionate extent .
2 Seisin is a root of title , and it may be said without undue exaggeration that so far as land is concerned there is in England no law of ownership , but only a law of possession .
3 If , alternatively , it was a gift then it was incomplete , since the transfers of property had not been made and it might be said , therefore , that the cousins could revoke the incomplete gift .
4 Reagan was supported by an exceptionally talented staff in his first term and it might be said that his legislative triumphs can best be explained by the quality of the team around him .
5 The very large majority of our sample , having been born between about 1885 and 1895 were in that special , and it might be said tragic , generation who were young adults during the Great War , then spent their middle years living through the Depression and the Second World War .
6 Each proprietary brand of locator has its accompanying transmitter and it must be said that in all four instances these work better if you use the manufacturer 's pairing rather than permutating among the ones available .
7 And it must be said that while there has been a greater interest in ferreting and in the shooting side of rabbiting the netting interest has declined .
8 The work of Abrams and Marsden ( 1986 ) strikingly , and it must be said depressingly , confirms the impression given by earlier studies .
9 Once the connection is made ( and it must be said at this point that the parallel connection is far and away the faster of the two possibles ) a program rejoicing in the highly descriptive name of ‘ FX ’ must be run at either end of the link .
10 Certainly the raw readings are low , and it must be said here that the last significant figure was obtained by estimating a proportion of a division on the scale .
11 But what I will say — and it must be said because in Australia it has been put about that I sacked Middleton — Middleton , sadly , sacked himself .
12 And it should be said that , at least outwardly , Murphy and his men retained their charm and their good humour throughout what must have become a harrowing experience .
13 And it could be said that not only is it about imitation — it is also , as are other tours de force , itself an imitation of something .
14 This is one of the many books which address the snobbery of the English , which flash at their readers the lawns of country houses , the baize of gambling-tables , which tell tales of those virtuosos of ostentation and disregard who have in common a contempt for commonness , for the middle class ; and it could be said of such books that their chief resource is the eccentricity which has long amounted to a convention of upper-class life .
15 Her work in the refectory of New Hall was brought before the formation of the collection , as a result of her residency at the college and it could be said to have struck a characteristic note of stringent inquiry for the collection .
16 Since the directors are the sole shareholders , the shareholders are not deprived of anything , and it could be said that the sole controllers are not dishonest within Ghosh .
17 The ethics may appear questionable to present day conservationists , but it may be said in defence that the trip was made with the knowledge of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , whose observations at that time showed that there was no falling off in the numbers of breeding birds as a result of the annual slaughter .
18 But it should be said at the outset that none of the terms ‘ check ’ , ‘ control ’ or ‘ render accountable ’ has a single clear meaning : there are several ways of checking and controlling and several types of accountability .
19 A detailed discussion of such clauses is beyond the scope of this chapter , but it should be said that the case law shows that use of such clauses to provide security in the event of failure to pay the purchase price is surrounded with many pitfalls .
20 Put like this it seems extremely cold and unfeeling , but it must be said that if we were all to make our own arrangements without any order or form then chaos would quickly result .
21 This is not the place to conduct a survey of Karajan 's Berlin recordings but it must be said that the 1962 Beethoven cycle was a tour de force , the finest of its kind since the Toscanini to which it paid partial homage .
22 There are newspapers and posters , photographs and mementoes but it must be said that a lack of Italian language will limit the appeal of the collection .
23 Many teachers try to compile their own programmed texts , but it must be said that this takes a great deal of time to prepare .
24 But it must be said that the historian 's task is substantially simplified by the transformation .
25 There is a Breed Society for every breed of goat in the U.K. but it must be said that the evaluation of male goats lags way behind that of bulls .
26 But it must be said that in some cases the DCSL who had overseen the ordering was uncertain as to where in the school the books had ended up , let alone their frequency of use .
27 But it must be said that , even with the best garden centres , the range of herbs is not great , and consists mostly of the culinary type .
28 Starting was as fraught as ever or even more so because of large craft wanting to come through the start line but it must be said that the cruiser operators were generally very cooperative throughout the race .
29 But it must be said that multi-user computers can be slow at times if a large number of people are all trying to use the computer at once .
30 But it must be said that both Liverpool and Everton have cause to be grateful for the Moores ' family millions .
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