Example sentences of "[coord] a pair of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 one expect to be comfortable if he is wearing a belt two inches too tight or a pair of shoes two sizes too small ?
2 WHEN shoppers buy a bottle of shampoo or a pair of shoes , they spare few thoughts for the environmental consequences .
3 Neither the gun nor the money had ever been found , nor was there any forensic evidence linking Kearney to either a hat , a bag or a pair of shoes found at the scene .
4 The three eldest girls , Agnes , Sarah , and Nancy only worked infrequently at pressing , as if perhaps to get some cash for a new dress , or a pair of shoes , but possibly to assist the family in times of particular money shortage .
5 If he drew a chair or a pair of boots he managed to convey the effort of production that went into them , as if he had shaped them and fitted them together himself .
6 The gift presented should be one of value and usefulness for setting up home ( so that she is not disappointed ) , perhaps with a memento of her bachelor days , such as a cassette by her favourite pop singers , but inside a container gift which is a joke , e.g. a silver cake slice , or selection of kitchen implements , or telephone address book , plus cassettes in the bottom of a pair of large man 's football socks ( the correct size to fit her husband to be ) , or a pair of pillowcases embroidered ‘ his ’ and ‘ hers ’ .
7 If we can find a process that affects only one piece in a face , then the commutator of that process with that face gives a 3-cycle of a piece , or a pair of flips or a pair of corner twists , depending on whether the process moves , flips , or twists the piece .
8 The Italian thinks that if he can ever sing Puccini the climax of his life has been reached ; but even so , with all the omissions that can be charged against Italy — such that as a musical country she ceased to exist after the seventeenth century and has certainly reached deliquescence with Messrs Malpiero , Pratella and Co — she even now does produce from time to time singers who are not merely singers but great artists , as Battistini who , at over 60 , is an example for those who can take it of the extent to which a voice can be preserved in all its beauty when it is used as a musical instrument and not as a fog siren or a pair of nutcrackers . ’
9 If we can find a process that affects only one piece in a face , then the commutator of that process with that face gives a 3-cycle of a piece , or a pair of flips or a pair of corner twists , depending on whether the process moves , flips , or twists the piece .
10 It was a zip-up pocket intended for golf balls and perhaps a pipe or a pair of gloves .
11 A much more satisfactory method is to reduce the bushy foliage by about a third with a sharp knife or a pair of scissors .
12 I have recently purchased an ART SGX 2000 preamp/processor which I use in my current setup , which consists of a Marshall 9005 stereo valve power amp and a pair of Celestion 2x12 cabs .
13 She 's pretty casual about clothes too , she 'll wander around the farm all day in her nightie , or even less , a worn-out old shirt and a pair of panties , with her tum sticking out .
14 In the tank I have a newly acquired pair of Lamprologus brichardi and a pair of Neolamprologus multifasciatus .
15 Or , a pair of eights , a nine and a pair of aces .
16 The rear panel houses the selector switch for the PA/guitar option , the aforementioned lockable ‘ bridge mode ’ switch , an earth lift and a pair of speaker protection fuses .
17 Er you see the the wireless that we 'd got was the old cats whisker on a crystal , you see , and a pair of earphones that we used to And if anybody rustled a paper , you see ?
18 A few days later Kiley Puma , Suzy 's eighteen-year-old daughter , found two motorcycle helmets in a laundry basket in her mother 's apartment , along with an empty vodka bottle and a pair of Seth 's pants .
19 Dressed in tropical white , with a panama on his head and a pair of glasses perched on the end of his nose , he was reading .
20 In a 50th anniversary tribute to the USAAF , Sally B flew in company with the Dutch Mitchell and a pair of P–51 Mustangs .
21 I have n't been into her bedroom though I saw some chair legs and a pair of shoes as I passed the half-open door .
22 On 10 September , which was Louise 's birthday , Fleury bartered his gold cufflinks , a silver snuff-box , and a pair of shoes with Rayne in exchange for two lumps of sugar .
23 I ended up with a couple of pairs of trousers , a couple of T-shirts , a jumper and a pair of shoes .
24 Enter Rita , a young , timid , nervous , woman in clinging red dress , lipstick to match and a pair of shoes in which you would not want to run for a bus .
25 I 'll take me boots and a pair of shoes with heels , she did n't want to take them yesterday , I want to take them
26 WHEN a headless body dramatically floated from the West of England to descend at Clapham by London amid a throng of witnesses and a pair of Cardinals , it was no miracle , no ghostly occurrence .
27 The crumb-spreading area of the lawn still attracts its full quota and the statutory trio of dunnocks is perennially on view and a pair of jays are often hopping around .
28 Oh gawld , move forward a bit , so that 's what I was going to get , but erm in BeWise they 've got erm checked shirts and they 're five ninety nine this brushed cotton thing , so I thought if I get him that waistcoat and a pair of cords , erm and get him one of these brushed cotton shirts that 'll be that sort of colour
29 It was small , with a sloping ceiling and a pair of windows set in deep embrasures .
30 The bathroom was piled high with uniform cases , captured German ammunition , and a pair of elephant tusks , while a fluctuating assortment of bedrolls , kit-bags and camp beds were strewn about the bedrooms .
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