Example sentences of "[coord] whether [pron] should [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The point I I simply wanted to make which is why I I sat through the debate , erm is the honourable member for Edinburgh Central er in his er speech er which I I must say I did expect , called for stronger regulations , er we had the argument the other week about whether there should be statutory regulations or whether we should make er the er self regulation system that we have with financial services industries work .
2 With Samson we have to decide whether we should concentrate on the time of its circulation in the early 1670s or whether we should attempt to determine a precise date of composition .
3 I asked whether we should work together or whether we should fight … it will be your decision , Holly .
4 Families can be torn in trying to decide whether children should accompany their parents abroad and receive their schooling there or whether they should remain in the home country at a boarding school .
5 In the next story in the Gospel , John the Baptist sent some disciples to Jesus to ask if he was the one who was to come or whether they should begin to look elsewhere .
6 The question is whether young children learn best by studying at their own pace through relatively informal ‘ activity ’ methods in small groups ( which , to some parents , looks suspiciously like playing ) , or whether they should learn the three Rs sitting at their desks in a more competitive and disciplined environment .
7 The remaining disagreement is whether zidovudine monotherapy should begin early to take advantage of this short-lived benefit or whether one should wait until symptoms develop .
8 But the essential distinction remains : whether the court should positively order treatment to be given or not to be given , or whether it should do no more than consider whether or not to authorise it , where authority is needed .
9 However , the company has n't decided whether support for the environment should be available as a third party solution or whether it should stick the technology into Solaris itself .
10 A question for government is the extent to which it should rely simply on market mechanisms to steer through these changes or whether it should use , as do all large firms , planning mechanisms to handle changes of this likely magnitude .
11 There is a continual debate as to whether the role of the social studies curriculum is to describe things as they are ( in this case , to show a sexist world without necessarily singling , out that sexism for comment or criticism ) or whether it should adopt a critical perspective .
12 ‘ No , just trying to decide whether I should take you riding in a horse-drawn carriage through Dyrhaven tomorrow , or whether I should spend the whole day making love to you . ’
13 Some weeks ago we sent a draft of a similar digest to a few Age Concern groups in order that we gain an appreciation of such a service and whether we should develop it further .
14 What point in having , I suppose it 's my fault , I should have read these erm , bits added to it more carefully earlier , but it does n't seem to have anything in their about anybody who is actually claiming a carer 's allowance from looking after somebody at the time , and whether we should have a phrase in there that it does n't include anybody that is collecting from the D S S S or anything else for a carer 's allowance anyway , because you do n't want to double pay anybody .
15 They kept running , and were gone before Susan had a chance to figure out what that meant and whether she should answer it .
16 When his father raised the question of who should inherit the estate after him , and whether he should choose ‘ heirs general ’ , that is to say , include females in the vexed question — in an earlier generation , four sisters had been passed over in favour of a Boswell nephew — Boswell consulted Johnson repeatedly , before the matter was resolved to Boswell 's general satisfaction .
17 Procedural directions should include provision for the publication of the expert 's decision , and whether it should give reasons ; and it is obviously desirable to set a timetable for submissions and a decision .
18 The arguaments over the truth of the book and whether it should have been made public will rage for some time to come .
19 occurred when the climate was sensitized by a long-term shift from glacial to the current interglacial conditions , but whether we should take comfort from the fact and the past 8,000 years of stability is debatable .
20 I do n't know I mean er maybe these are minute but whether you should explore them at that moment in time I mean only experience will tell .
21 The person from whom you have to get these things needs to interview you simultaneously in order to get the facts on which to base a judgement of what you need and/or whether you should have it .
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