Example sentences of "[coord] apart from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In contrast , other Romano-Celtic temples lay within larger enclosures set alongside or apart from the centre of the settlement , as for example at Harlow , where the temple and its associated precinct lay in the middle of a ditched enclosure 4.2 ha ( 10 acres ) in extent .
2 The Staff in the Department play a full part in the extra-curricular life of the School , as it is important that the children do not see Learning Support as in any way different or apart from the mainstream of school life .
3 They force us to choose between being a part of or apart from the world of our everyday living .
4 Section 10 establishes the Register of Land Charges consisting of five classes to which has been added a sixth , Class F. They are described below and apart from the bankruptcy entries , relate to unregistered land .
5 Bright intervals are possible and apart from the chance of a light shower it should stay dry milder than of late with a top temperature of eleven celsius fifty two fahrenheit in a moderate south easterly wind .
6 Your letters have been coming quite regularly , and apart from the couple of letters which reached me via Sian , nothing has interrupted the flow , and they are a comfort , especially as the children seem to be getting on so well , and the computer course as well .
7 With reinstatement forming a continuous process disturbance to agriculture would be minimal and apart from the quarry face being worked there would be little to spoil the view either .
8 We have our local school in the flight path and apart from the fact the noise is so bad they have to stop teaching , there is also genuine concern about safety .
9 And apart from the fact that you 're less than half my age .
10 Oh , yes , indeed , a close friend of mine has been working on the history of a very large British company and he 's just seen the proofs produced from the printers from the typescript which was typed in his own office , and apart from the fact that their computers can change the typefaces and improve the whole thing , the work has not had to be re-keyboarded , as they would say , re-typed in at all .
11 Oh yes , indeed , a close friend of mine has been working on a history of a very large British company and he 's just seen the proofs produced from the printers from the typescript which was typed in his own office , and apart from the fact that their computers can change the typefaces and improve the whole thing , the work has not had to be rekeyboarded , as they would say , retyped in , at all .
12 And apart from the expense , there 's all the disruption , with arrangements for children to be educated elsewhere . ’
13 Now , though , with this Lucifer 's touch on her body , his lips hungry and demanding on her own , she lost her will to fight , lost sight of all the reasons that had kept her aloof and apart from the crowd .
14 And apart from the information you get , being a good listener helps the other side to relax and have confidence in you .
15 This was discussed with the Jones who resolutely maintained that now that ‘ the problem ’ was solved they were going back to normal and apart from the period of intervention they had not changed what they did at all .
16 And apart from the garden that you said that you made it lovely while you were there , what other things did you do to make it look like a home ?
17 I inspected the posters on the cafe walls to see if there was anything interesting happening in the area in the near future , but apart from the Film Club there was n't much .
18 His glory was the late cut , rated by C.L.R. James as ‘ one of the great strokes of our time ’ , but apart from the hook , which he did not play , all the other strokes were there , elegant , graceful , polished , a joy to watch .
19 But apart from the grumbling in the sky and the hissing of rain , there was no lightning ; no reason why this peculiar shadow show should be taking place .
20 We have ‘ clashes ’ and ‘ mob violence ’ but apart from the Governor we have only one named agent : ‘ Paisley ’ .
21 The hire car would be running up a heavy bill , but apart from the advance that he 'd had to hand over Forester had no intention of paying it .
22 But apart from the number of police rapidly increasing , their technological and quasi-military capacities shamelessly strengthened , their discretionary powers of apprehension , interrogation , detention , and arrest liberally extended , and new prisons built or old ones extensively refurbished ( all with money the government claims the country has not got to maintain existing standards of education , health , unemployment welfare , and social services ) , nothing much justifies the optimism .
23 The matter is addressed from the point of view of the buyer in cl 2.2 of Precedent 2 and of the seller in cl 6 of Precedent 1 , but apart from the time when the buyer becomes responsible to pay the storage charges , the principles are much the same .
24 It was n't much , and they would take it in their stride , no doubt , but apart from the fact these revenge raids certainly did upset his Tormentors a little , making life and their cruel purpose just that little bit less easy for them , the greatest effect was on him .
25 Ackroyd quotes him ; but apart from the fact that Eliot , especially in his distressed state , was unlikely to have used those words of Vivien , there is no record of his having sent such a telegram .
26 But apart from the fact that my mother obviously lived here at some time I know nothing at all . ’
27 ‘ He might discuss some business matters with my father , for whom he has a tremendous respect , but apart from the fact that he does n't live at Parkwood any more he never boasts . ’
28 Devlin Parnham was in his seventies but apart from the sparsity of his frame and a slight tendency to stoop you would never have known it .
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