Example sentences of "[coord] we [modal v] come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A brilliant officer with more than twenty commendations , he had grown to believe he was omnipotent ; and when Mathews refused to tell him the names of his accomplices , saying it was more than his life was worth , Drury , obsessed with clearing up another case , offered him a deal : make a statement that three men whose names I will give you were your accomplices , testify against them in the witness-box , and in return no charges will be brought against you , and we 'll come to an arrangement about the reward money offered by the Post Office .
2 You stay where you are and we 'll come to you . "
3 Well not the least interesting moment in that first half was that peculiar back pass and the free kwick kick which followed it and we 'll come to that in a moment .
4 On the other , just wait a moment and we 'll come to the other side of the argument because the argument is carefully and evenly balanced .
5 We certainly need to be wary of yoga , Transcendental Meditation , hypnosis , and astrology and we shall come to these later .
6 The various plastics and composites are different again and we shall come to these presently .
7 With very few exceptions — and we shall come to one of the most remarkable of these in this chapter — it is a nocturnal hunter .
8 The essential insertions will be found below , and we shall come to them in due course .
9 I do not speak of the substance of the matter because so many of us have some doubts about the substance of it and we shall come to that later , but erm it does seem to me that er we had to get rid of erm sections two , two A and three of the Police Act nineteen sixty four as amended and that clearly doing so here and erm er er I I think that this is an improvement as a result on the laws that er present appears on the Statute Book .
10 " If a man loves me " , Jesus taught , " he will keep my word , and my Father will love him , and we will come to him and make our home with him … and the word which you hear is not mine but the Father 's who sent me . "
11 We can easily walk there and we can come in the front we can come in the front gates of the park and we do n't have to go up great big steep hills do we ?
12 But we 'll come to that . ’
13 My first , er , but sad duty is simply to say that Sir Kenneth , our President , had hoped to be here , but he 's had er , an operation and er , he is not really quite well enough , so I was asked as a Vice-President , whether I would stand in for him , at the weekend , and er I shall do my best , and erm , I 'm glad to have to opportunity of doing one or two things , but we 'll come to those in due time .
14 I 've got one on page eighty-one , but we 'll come to it on pollution control .
15 When you become very proficient , it is possible to coax an underpowered model through a roll , but we will come to that in a moment .
16 He could have given us a picture of Halling in the 16th century , but we will come to that later when investigating his own life here at Halling .
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