Example sentences of "[coord] at least [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Some historians have seen St Pirmin 's monastic foundations ( the most famous at Reichenau ) , by which Pirmin made an important contribution to the Christianization of the south-west German world in the first half of the eighth century , as an attack upon Boniface 's episcopal authority among the Germans , or at least as the creation of a counter-sphere of influence .
2 I have already cast some doubt on point ( b ) , or at least on the political effects which Marx assumed would be consequent on the concentration of labour ( Chapter 1 ) , while in the discussion of planning I argued that although point ( a ) may be broadly accepted it is by no means unproblematic , particularly given the fact that large-scale enterprises increasingly straddle national boundaries .
3 In any case , with Muslim extremists threatening to dominate the region , the Western world needed Syria either in its camp or at least on the sidelines .
4 ‘ And she 's adapted to spending seven months virtually imprisoned in bed , or at least on the couch …
5 Yes , I would have thought this would happen soon , or at least on the bench .
6 Ideally consultation with advisory or special teachers should be started before a pupil is accepted into the class , or at least at the very beginning of term , so that the provision of special equipment and materials can be organised .
7 This duality between solidity and beauty thus expressed a sharp division between the material and the ideal , the bodily and the spiritual , highly typical of the bourgeois world ; yet spirit and ideal in it depended on matter , and could be expressed only through matter , or at least through the money which could buy it .
8 Only the France of the Sun King could afford the luxury of overseas development for its own sake , or at least for the sake of a distant and ill-defined future .
9 TCCB , known in the past to have administered punishment for long-past ‘ sins ’ , or at least for the disreputable later exposure of them , will have to decide whether Beefy 's tale of being ‘ extremely inebriated ’ in Perth five years ago , when he forgot his bat and had to go back for it before smashing 48 off Western Australia , is an indictable offence .
10 She immediately saw the sense in these remarks and abandoned for ever ( or at least for the time being ) the view that the reluctance of the Church to ordain women revealed it as bigoted and unfair .
11 ‘ Creative ’ writing has acquired a bad name ; it has been contrasted with proper grammatical writing , and has come to be numbered among the suspect activities of the Loony Left , or at least with the ‘ soft ’ brigade .
12 Or at least with the way it converts internal formats into PostScript .
13 But Bolinger also believes that there is a correlation with syntax , or at least with the facts of surface syntactic form .
14 A brother of this house , or at least of the Benedictine Order .
15 erm But I do think that women need to have much more of a sense of their own power , or at least of the fact that they 're not as powerless as they think of themselves as being , and so they can say when the tutor puts his hand on their knee or something like that ‘ I 'm sorry , would you take your hand away , that 's not part of our relationship ’ or something that just so they do n't have to feel so bad about it .
16 Relationship difficulty begets sexual difficulty , sexual difficulty begets relationship problems and so , very often , ad infinitum or at least to the point of marital termination .
17 His co-pilot radioed the command centre , requesting a fix in order to enable him to plot the best route back to Britain , or at least to the channel where he could be picked up by the coastguard or a spotter plane .
18 Up to , you know , few hours where we 've been together , he 'll actually be prepared or at least to the rest of us , who the hell he 's talking about .
19 This result , Burmester suggests , indicates that the coatings were applied using lacquer ‘ from one pot ’ or at least from the same tree .
20 Pam was there from the beginning , or at least from the first day of school .
21 Dot wished she 'd been given a bed nearer one of the windows so she could see out , or at least by the door .
22 Which of the four common jobs in 1980 may almost have disappeared by 1990 or at least by the year 2000 ?
23 Women have no say in their marriages : often they are married when still babies , or at least by the age of five in a group ceremonial marriage , for youths , held for them at the close of their bachelor hut initiation period .
24 One common conception of democracy is that it means " government by the people " or at least by the people 's elected representatives — since it is generally accepted , rightly or wrongly , that in large modern states the people themselves can not govern .
25 Molly understood that water would come by lorry during the afternoon or at least by the evening .
26 I shall refer to those who believe that differences in attainment appear during adolescence as the A group , and those who argue that these differences are evident during ( or at least by the end of ) the primary years as the P group .
27 Though areas of uncertainty and dispute remain , for example in the Barents Sea , settlement is expected within the terms of the 1982 Convention , or at least within the spirit of international cooperation that underlies it ( Theutenberg 1984 ) .
28 Will my right hon. Friend undertake to arrange a debate before Christmas , or at least before the December Council of Ministers meeting on fishing , so that we may have our annual chance to discuss the state of the fishing industry in England and elsewhere in the kingdom ?
29 The art discussed may still be in situ , or at least in the country of its origin ; hence the immense attraction of travel to the sites of great civilisations such as Egypt or Mexico .
30 If we must have ‘ classics ’ let us accept James Steel Smith 's definition of a book that ‘ provides some special imaginative experience which the child is not likely to get from other sources — or at least in the same degree of intensity — and which ‘ it would be a shame for him to miss ’ ( 1967 , p. 121 ) .
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