Example sentences of "[coord] it 's possible that " in BNC.

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1 I want to know how this man got into the courtyard — somebody must have opened the main door and gate for him and it 's possible that somebody going out may have seen him .
2 Because it was a secret project there were several phases being developed separately , and it 's possible that Professor Liawski did n't like the forms of experimentation that Jenner was using .
3 And it 's possible that the curious telephone conversation in the flat , with its reference to postponing something for a week , related to your time limit .
4 ( 10 ) It 's possible that there 's life on Mars ( 11 ) It 's possible that there 's life on Mars and it 's possible that there is no life on Mars ( 12 ) It 's possible that there 's life on Mars , and in fact it is now certain that there is Now from this set of dilemmas the notion of implicature offers a way out , for it allows one to claim that natural language expressions do tend to have simple , stable and unitary senses ( in many cases anyway ) , but that this stable semantic core of en has an unstable , context-specific pragmatic overlay — namely a set of implicatures .
5 I 'd play it but it 's possible that the red one will go when you take it out .
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