Example sentences of "[coord] it [be] [not/n't] impossible " in BNC.

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1 The political future will largely depend on how these perceptions develop , and it is not impossible to gauge that development .
2 Though the Life says that Aethelbald 's happiness as king had grown in succeeding years ( since his accession ) ( Vita Guthlaci , ch. 52 ) , it is not certain that this means that Aethelbald was ‘ apparently at the height of his power ’ , and it is not impossible that the Life dates to a period before Aethelbald had asserted his authority outside his own kingdom — perhaps c .
3 The central fact of the history of the south-east before 784 is the independent rule of Ecgberht , king of Kent , and it is not impossible that before the late 780s Sussex was more within his sphere of influence than Offa 's .
4 Elsewhere , in the Danube province of Upper Moesia , stratores were to be found supervising road stations at both Nis ( Naissus ) and Cuprija ( Horreum Margi ) , and it is not impossible that they were doing the same in Britain .
5 It was clearly a site of some importance and it is not impossible that Rochester was the centre of one of the four Kentish kingdoms mentioned by Caesar , although by the time of Claudius ' invasion these kingdoms appear to have been united under one ruler .
6 He would miss her when she 'd gone , certainly , and it was not impossible that he might be driven to drink away his grief , resulting in one of his rare fits of violent temper .
7 But it is not impossible .
8 What effects disturbances on the spiritual plane may have on our mental , emotional or physical well-being are more difficult to assess but it is not impossible that our view of ourselves as machines , with a denial of any spiritual aspect and a consequent loss of meaning in our lives , may be one cause of much of the unhappiness and frustration seen today with results as different as vandalism and cancer — aspects of destruction at one level or another .
9 Those with CCJs often have difficulty finding a lender willing to advance them a loan but it is not impossible .
10 The hand that copied the music was certainly of thoroughly professional quality , but it is not impossible that any of the named persons could have acquired such a hand , or , indeed , been a professional copyist .
11 The catsuit in the picture above costs a cool £1,760 , but it is n't impossible to find cheaper alternatives .
12 ‘ Latest indications are that they will miss out , but it is n't impossible , ’ said a spokesman for Schroders .
13 ‘ Latest indications are that they will miss out , but it is n't impossible , ’ said a spokesman for Schroders .
14 But it is n't impossible .
15 We 'll need a few lucky breaks on the way to do it , but it 's not impossible , ’ said midfielder David Phillips .
16 I , I think I would be unwise too to make a forecast , so all , all I can say is there are some enquiries around of er , people who appear to be interested but erm , er , you know , the burden hangs quite a lot , you know the burden 's still , the is quite a long way away still , but it 's not impossible we could sell some more land .
17 But it was n't impossible .
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