Example sentences of "[coord] i have [be] told " in BNC.

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1 I tried many many times , and hundreds and hundreds of ways to find him , and the man just does n't exist , or I 've been told he does n't exist .
2 I know I 'm too thin , I do n't like what I look like and I 've been told if I lose any more weight I 'll have to give up work and be admitted to hospital .
3 Fashanu said : ‘ It 's a trapped sciatic nerve and I 've been told to rest for about three weeks .
4 It was taken off me at Widnes , with Jonathan Davies doing most of the tactical kicking , and I 've been told it cost me a Great Britain tour chance .
5 My youngest daughter is four and I 've been told she 's got worms .
6 It is n't working out for me , I 've been told I 've got ta increase my payments to a hundred and one pounds fifty two a week for my two children from my previous marriage , and I 've been told by Social Security that the hundred and one pound fifty two a week will take my ex-wife and her husband off income support , so I will be keeping her family and their child .
7 But to Sophie 's intense mortification it was Dawn who arrived and said calmly , ‘ Robert has been called out to a difficult calving case and I 've been told to give you his apologies .
8 At Bilen I had often asked what happened to the Awash , curious to find out why this large river never reached the sea , and I had been told that it ended in a great lake at the foot of a mighty mountain called Goumarri in Aussa , where apparently there were many lakes , great forests and some cultivation .
9 ‘ It has been described to me as an isolated house in the midst of fields , through which are only rough and rutty waggon tracks , and I have been told too , that it is hidden from passers along the road by a dark grove of trees .
10 I know what I see when I look at the grass and I have been told that the colour is called ‘ green ’ .
11 And I have been told that as a baby I conformed to this pattern , in contrast to my first sister who was ‘ delicate ’ and my second sister who was ‘ placid ’ .
12 Upper Halling has its own team and in its early days this team played in the field opposite the Robin Hood , and I have been told of near carnivals on Sunday afternoons .
13 We have an energy-rich country and a massive trading balance , so why the hell are we importing electricity from France which I believe attracts the nuclear and importing coal from dubious sources and I have been told that some of that coal has been extracted by women and children , often in horrendously unsafe conditions .
14 I 've always shaved my legs but I 've been told that shaving makes the hair grow more strongly .
15 and they can put that on the recorder but I 've been told for the last two and a half years by this government that I am not unemployed .
16 In a couple of days she 'll be up and about again , but I 've been told by the doctor to keep her off school for a while longer .
17 I ca n't say whether this is true or not but I have been told , it was spoke about when I was a kid , that they never saw each other except if they were both of the same religion .
18 Ernest had no family , but I have been told that there were nephews .
19 Those problems were one cause of the delay that the hon. Gentleman described , but I have been told that the wait for that preliminary investigation is now down from six months to three months — the average in Northern Ireland .
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