Example sentences of "[coord] a assessment of the " in BNC.

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1 Then it 's group shots and off to a hired room for buffet lunch , more lager , TV interviews and an assessment of the day 's events .
2 An exhibition can be viewed as a means of getting noticed and attracting publicity and contracts : as a rare chance of seeing a good deal of your recent work together and thus creating an opportunity for self-evaluation and an assessment of the way your work is developing ; and , by no means least , as a way of selling work .
3 Deciding — consciously or not — to expend energy involves a choice and an assessment of the total energy available .
4 Mother , in other words , is thought to be always the same mother , parental influences are regarded as invariable throughout childhood , and an assessment of the parents ' psychological characteristics at one point is thought sufficient to typecast them for good .
5 A standard format is to be introduced which will have to include the following : a detailed programme of activities which might enable the offender to make reparation through community service or a supervision programme tackling the offender 's problems ; a description of the restrictions on liberty which the programme would involve ; relevant information about the offence and the offender , including the latter 's attitude towards it ; and an assessment of the offender 's ability and willingness to tackle his or her offending behaviour .
6 The derivation of this is given in statistics textbooks and practical examples of its application , and an assessment of the closeness of the approximation , are given later in this chapter ( see p. 169 ) .
7 The mechanisms to achieve this and an assessment of the errors involved are documented , together with an explanation of new and promising possibilities to relate polling districts and enumeration districts that can exploit the increased use of postcodes by the 1991 census .
8 The time is ripe for a review of progress to date and an assessment of the likely future impact of computers on the craft of qualitative analysis .
9 To this end the researcher will ask specialists in the fields covered by the database to comment on the range and area of research on women and gender issues in order to establish a research agenda , and an assessment of the facilities needed for the next few years .
10 Our approach , therefore , focuses on essential themes in multimedia information , providing an overview of the technological environment from which it is emerging and an assessment of the key areas of application in which multi-media may become most influential .
11 There is a written examination and an assessment of the laboratory or project work .
12 Elements of the new approach include looking at the cost of environmental degradation of an area in terms of : its effect on house prices ; the cost of alternative methods of transport ; the value local people place on maintaining environmental features intact ; and an assessment of the cost of replacement , for example moving a colony of badgers .
13 It means that the starting point for the plan is not a strategic concept of the future but an assessment of the resources of the present .
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