Example sentences of "[coord] that have lead [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This research influences the way volunteers work with victims but it is also passed on by Victim Support to other organisations that might find it useful : it provides an input into every police training course in Britain , and that has led to a potential new area of work .
2 Clearly it is the fate of the ark that has provoked the name Ichabod , and that has led to her death , just as it killed her father-in-law .
3 The different police forces share their information and that has led to some proposed gatherings being stopped .
4 He 's had difficulty coping with the trial , he 's been very distressed by it and that has led to him breaking down completely .
5 But that has led to him becoming involved in an ‘ appalling number ’ of outside bodies , in addition to being chancellor of Aston University and a trustee of the Bournville village .
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