Example sentences of "[coord] [det] of it goes " in BNC.

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1 And power which is generated there goes to heat and light the city of Niagara , and some of it goes to cook the dinners in the city of Toronto , and some of it heats the homes in the city of Buffalo .
2 But they , and many other organisations throughout society , also have the benefit of strongly supportive national policies and of state guaranteed funds on a scale that is not entirely incommensurate with the task of changing health determining habits : for a population the size of England 's , the total yearly Victorian Health Promotion Foundation 's budget is equivalent to around £140 million , and much of it goes to the voluntary sector .
3 How do you think I feel when I bring home three hundred a twenty quid a week , and all of it goes on fucking bills !
4 This may stem partly from ignorance about specific techniques but some of it goes back further to past failures at school with arithmetic .
5 The District Councils have no money , the Government is not interested in cycling as a mode of transport , the Region does have a limited budget but most of it goes on the cycling team .
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