Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] upon a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The criminal law may depend less upon one monolithic principle and more upon a synthesis of conflicting principles .
2 Sour old Mr Piggott , who had looked in at St Andrew 's , let fall an ejaculation quite unsuitable to its surroundings , and emerging from the vestry door , crunched purposefully and maliciously upon a piece of coke to relieve his feelings .
3 But in addition to the church 's calling to be the invisible yeast leavening the whole dough and the salt savouring the whole meal , it is also called to be a light placed prominently and strategically upon a lamp-stand so as to light the whole house .
4 This focuses attention squarely and inescapably upon a person acting in the capacity and with the necessary professional background of a qualified teacher .
5 But once upon a time the ad pages of NME throbbed with the heady thrills of Loon pants !
6 ‘ Discuss , with reference to at least two plays , how tragedy can be enacted not only upon the individual but also upon a family
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