Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] if [pron] 'd " in BNC.

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1 I wished I could have felt any sort of advance enthusiasm , but I could n't have cared less if John had spent the week transforming the room into the Crystal Palace , or even if he 'd been laying everything waste with a meat-axe .
2 As soon as we 'd packed all the stuff in the ba van we 'd have the rest of the sandwiches the rest of the coffee or another cup of coffee and then we 'd get on the road and even if we 'd got back for four , by the time we 'd got home and , and had something to eat or if we did n't want nothing to eat , watched the telly for half an hour and get to bed , you 've got from eleven till sort of three or four the next day which is just nice because you 're in your own home
3 And even if I 'd made a mistake I 'd be honest enough to admit it .
4 If you took eggs there used to always be a lady there at dinner time what used to come round and ask you what you 'd got for dinner , and then if you 'd got eggs , she used to write your name on the eggs and do them for you .
5 and then if you 'd been off sick at all you had to make that time up as well so it was about four years and six months I did there altogether .
6 And I 'm sure I would have left the club readily and earlier if I 'd known what he was going to say later .
7 But even if I 'd thought , it would n't have seemed right to go poking and prying with her only just dead .
8 But even if she 'd been fully clothed the chance of escape was gone before it arrived .
9 Maybe she 's a control freak , he was thinking , getting into an unreasonable flap just because she might have taken something that could unclench her a little ; but then if he 'd kept his mouth shut , she 'd never even have known .
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