Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] is possible that " in BNC.

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1 She might have had a brief illness best treated outside the home , or it is possible that the balance of her mind was disturbed in some way .
2 " Or it is possible that exaggerated stories have got about of the valuables in Moorlake .
3 Many people who know that they may die in such circumstances wish to discuss the procedure beforehand , and it is possible that the authorities concerned may be prepared to do this .
4 ‘ Tomorrow morning we attack the German positions and it is possible that we have nothing more to eat after this evening . ’
5 People indeed talked privately about the waste of government money , the lack of respect for public property , and it is possible that government might have regarded a discussion of that issue alone as constructive criticism : Kufrans were not sure .
6 Further , in earlier years the branch had attempted to extend its WEA social and educational activity into surrounding villages and it is possible that the branch had pressed the District for the appointment of a resident tutor in East Suffolk — although the documentary evidence on this point is somewhat unclear .
7 Green was fulsome in his praise for Barker 's determined and generous efforts to reach an equitable settlement and it is possible that Green did acquaint the Chairman of the RAC with the unhappy position in Bedfordshire .
8 Of course , the British are not the only ones to take holidays and it is possible that you will be sharing your hotel with a group ( perhaps a large one ) from another country .
9 Of course , some bivalves , like mussels and oysters , do remain fixed throughout their adult life , and it is possible that these fill the ecological role today of some of the large brachiopods of the Palaeozoic .
10 Exactly what happened between this date and 10 July is not known precisely and it is possible that in addition to the group of six already identified there were other DGSE agents involved .
11 With his junior staff loyally taking the blame and trying to pretend he knew nothing about it ( despite his signature on the 17 January presidential order ) , Reagan began to believe he had known nothing about it and it is possible that he did not know what he was signing .
12 Certainly they make demands on social and medical services , and it is possible that severely mentally handicapped people will have to be looked after for all their lives .
13 The canopy slates are old and similar to the main roof and it is possible that an earlier gallery stood here .
14 It appears that certain people have a predisposition to develop Reiter 's disease and it is possible that the organism responsible for NGU can act as a ‘ trigger ’ which sets off the inflammatory process .
15 That herd was apparently shy , rather fierce and polled and it is possible that the Ardrossan was ancestral to the White Galloway , or its coat colour might have come from the other White Park herds in Scotland ( for example at Cadzow Forest near Hamilton , Blair Atholl in northern Perthshire , the Duke of Buccleuch 's estate at Dalkeith , the Cumbernauld estate or Cally Palace at Gatehouse-of-Fleet ) .
16 There is documentary evidence that considerable numbers of Garonnais cattle went to England during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and it is possible that they influenced the big , yellow-red South Devon .
17 Further research is needed in this area and it is possible that important abnormalities in the ‘ modulating ’ apoproteins may be found .
18 The question in the 1959 survey was open-ended , and it is possible that the great increase in preparedness to act is an artefact of the changed method of question administration .
19 These mobile pieces of DNA ( called transposons ) share many features in common with the genetic material of some viruses and it is possible that viruses have evolved from them .
20 The work of the Dragon Project though , is beginning to show that there may be some basis for thinking that unusual behaviour of certain known energies could be taking place at certain sites ( New Scientist , 21 October , p 166 ) , and it is possible that our ancient ancestors could detect this ‘ Earth energy ’ .
21 A few , indeed , were alleged to have lived beyond a hundred , and it is possible that some of the cases were authentic .
22 For example , the Swedes and the Norwegians are seeking to eliminate CFC use by 1995 , and it is possible that the rest of the world could follow suit .
23 He is not easy at the hostel and it is possible that he will have to return to hospital , but at the moment he is not certifiable . ’
24 We know that X-rays can be extremely hazardous , and it is possible that the frequencies associated with laser printers and microwave ovens may also be suspect .
25 She had chased it out of the house in February when one of her grandchildren was visiting ; and it is possible that it spent the night in the house during the week of the March sighting , as there was a very strong smell in the dining room the following morning .
26 Payment has never been demanded and it is possible that the provisions are not necessary because the liabilities they cover did not exist in the first place .
27 No fauna of pre-Chokierian age has yet been discovered , and it is possible that the early Namurian succession is condensed in the district .
28 Crêches can be expensive to run and it is possible that charges will be prohibitive , particularly if you are returning on a modest pay grade .
29 Sometimes the workmanship in these archaic stone artefacts was very fine , and it is possible that they were used as insignia of rank , in much the same way as stone maces in the Wessex Culture in southern England ; if so , it is curious that the same obsolete tool became associated with rank in two cultures that were geographically so widely separated .
30 Thucydides credited the Minoan kings with organizing the first naval fleet , and it is possible that the Minoans did indeed have a squadron of specially designed and equipped warships that were ahead of their time .
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