Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] be glad [that] " in BNC.

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1 She did not then wish us to meet and I am glad that she did not — for us in Greece it was a painful time because of Cyprus , and I should not have wished to keep this from her , or to be speaking of it .
2 I always felt that Basil was a very shy , warm hearted man with a special sort of honesty and I am glad that I knew him .
3 The parents charter is an important part of that and I am glad that most schools have ignored the attitudes of those Labour authorities .
4 This is an important change and I am glad that we have got away from the odious and patronising attitude of so many local education authorities — particularly Labour local education authorities — that say that one can not trust parents with objective information about how their children 's schools are doing .
5 That is important , and I am glad that the Opposition 's motion makes it so clear .
6 I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to raise this issue and I am glad that my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs is present , because I know that he will listen with his usual thoughtfulness , great knowledge and understanding of the problems that I will enunciate .
7 I was just about to make that point and I am glad that the right hon. Gentleman raised it .
8 It was a pleasure to meet and be enrolled by you at the W/W Show and I 'm glad that the Fellowship is going to be just that .
9 And I 'm glad that you did . ’
10 Er , I think it would be far better to have a streamlined regulatory system which would make the much cheaper and more efficient and I 'm glad that the honourable gentleman seems to be agreeing and perhaps he could try and persuade his honourable mefem member on the front bench that legislation , primary legislation is needed , I 'm glad to hear he 's working on it erm on on the second on the second point he made about the number of regulations , I 'm not sure I would agree with him that the best way of resolving this problem is to have less regulations er er though I would agree with the general er thrust of what he might be saying and that is that if the regulatory system was to concentrate on promoting higher professional standards and have less emphasis on rules and regulations then I think that would help .
11 I 'm glad I 'm out and I 'm glad that I never see some of them bloody people again
12 Like all British officials of the Egyptian Government I had been dismissed from my university post eighteen months before , and I was glad that the British Council was able to offer me a small post in Athens , instead of piece work in Cairo .
13 We liked each other , and I was glad that the senator also liked him .
14 We were both brown and I was glad that we were alone again .
15 They were a decent lot and I was glad that they accepted me despite my anomalous position .
16 She says it 's peculiar nowadays to go to a single sex establishment and she 's glad that men will now be able to go to Somerville
17 Their laughter was a tonic to Beth , and she was glad that Cissie had finally begun to forget that terrible night when Maisie was killed , along with poor Meg , and another neighbour who perished while asleep in his bed .
18 Rosa often went to the washplace with Sabina to help her and she was glad that she could pull her blue cotton dress out of the basket and slosh it into the water before anyone else could examine it for stains ; not that the stain spoke openly of its origins ; it could easily have been milk , thought Rosa .
19 Maggie 's face flushed hotly and she was glad that Ana could not see her at that moment .
20 ‘ I damned near killed you with my carelessness ! ’ she burst out suddenly , and she was glad that he did n't even look at her .
21 Maggie 's face was glowing pink and she was glad that Ana could not see her .
22 He fancied he could hear the thing moving about outside and he was glad that the door was locked .
23 Sir Nicholas Goodison , chairman of the National Art Collection Fund , said : ‘ This sale is a lost opportunity for British public collections , but I am glad that it is staying in the country .
24 The hon. Gentleman knows that that allegation is untrue , but I am glad that he accepts that the quality of service has improved and that there have been improvements in the pricing of a number of British Telecom services .
25 Amendment of the Irish constitution is , of course , a matter for the Republic , but I am glad that it continues to be an issue that could be tackled in fresh political talks .
26 I understand the NLVA 's continuing fears , but I am glad that its most recent letter to the Secretary of State began by saying : ’ the reaction of the national brewers to the recent series of meetings held with yourself and John Redwood MP would initially seem to be both positive and encouraging ’ .
27 But I am glad that I provoked him into an unqualified withdrawal of his disgraceful unjustified comments .
28 ‘ I am desperately sad that our scheme did not come to fruition but I am glad that someone will take it over and bring these jobs to the area .
29 I just , I tell you what , I , I know it sounds nasty , but I am glad that Penny is some way has had something that has made her realised what that place was all about .
30 But I was glad that I 'd finally had sex — it was a way of proving that my parents and Uncle Joe had n't destroyed my life .
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