Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] be left to " in BNC.

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1 you , you , you just , it 's make your mind up , your own mind and you 're left to your own devices .
2 They have no guidance and they are left to their own devices .
3 There is a stony silence , Dolores hides her head and turns away and it 's left to Fergal to say in solemn tones :
4 Britain does not have a supreme constitutional court to pass judgement on what is " unconstitutional " and it is left to the constitutional authorities to do their best to enforce particular patterns of constitutional political behaviour .
5 Therefore , no outright exemptions are given under Article 92(2) , and it is left to the Commission to determine the types of aid which are compatible .
6 Claud however found it increasingly hard to earn because of his Communist past and it was left to Patricia to keep the various wolves from the door .
7 A target of 128 should not have been beyond England , but four wickets went down for 15 and it was left to Gower and Botham to make a game of it .
8 At Edgbaston , West Indies got off to a good start as the first wicket produced 34 runs in just six overs , but three fell cheaply and it was left to Logie and Hooper to make fifty apiece and give the innings its backbone .
9 Only the first was achieved before the collapse of the Society and it was left to Philip Miller to carry on with instruction through his Dictionary .
10 The problem was that nobody from The Smiths camp was prepared to actually inform the band of this decision , and it was left to Easterhouse manager John Barrett to discover the sad truth almost by accident .
11 The early , nineteenth-century experiments in artificial lighting , including that held in Sheffield in the year of Chapman 's birth , had been forgotten , and it was left to the Europeans to develop the idea of floodlit football .
12 Framlingham reached 60 without loss but the left-arm spinner , Daniel Jackson , broke through and it was left to the final pair to scramble a victory by one wicket .
13 Notwithstanding their absences , the day-today business of government had to be carried on and it was left to Ministers of the Crown to do this , noting their resolutions and decisions for later transmission to the monarch .
14 Neither representation could be described as positive , however , and it was left to America to develop more progressive portrayals of gay men in the innovative ‘ Soap ’ and later ‘ Brothers ’ .
15 But yesterday she was 75 miles away at Althorp House , and it was left to her two young sons to put a brave face on the royal separation .
16 The couple split up and it was left to Jacques and his parents to raise Nicolas .
17 Darwin was not specific as to why males should typically compete more strongly for access to breeding partners than females and it was left to biologists of this century to provide the answer ( Fisher , 1930 ; Bateman , 1948 ; Trivers , 1972 ) .
18 The guardians applied , unsuccessfully , to the Public Works Loan Board and it was left to a sub-committee , consisting of the chairman of the Finance Committee , the chairman of the Board of Guardians ( W. T. Lansberry ) and the clerk to arrange the loan elsewhere .
19 Ranteallo simply looked sheepish when we first asked for an explanation the following morning , and it was left to Werner Meyer to give us an explanation , when he finally arrived to join us .
20 The partnership was successfully liquidated over a period of years and it was left to John Baring to rebuild the business in the form of a limited company .
21 He refers to the lithographed drawings as ‘ engravings ’ , and he used many short lines like an engraver scratching on copper ; pioneers are often conservative , and it was left to Edward Lear in his superb volume on parrots ( 1832 ) to exploit lithography , using bold flowing lines with his crayon on the stone .
22 This dispute became long and bitter and it was left to the Bishop , John Hisley to intercede and in consequence the Vicarage was re-endowed .
23 The mini and mainframe computer manufacturers were slow to realise the enormous potential of single board microcomputers based on these microprocessors and it was left to the electronics hobbyists and entrepreneurs , who responded by giving birth to the microcomputer industry .
24 In spite of which , the impression they gave was of being identical , and it was left to the owners to give their property whatever signs of individuality they could , by making neat little gardens , or by not doing so , by cleaning the windows once a month , or by not doing so .
25 Dr Neil 's attention was , for the moment , on the baby , and it was left to McAllister to wipe the mother 's livid , sweating face , only the perspiration on Effie 's face was cold , not hot .
26 We had a word in their ears and it was left to the hospital to deal with them , ’ said the police spokesman .
27 Possibly the deaths of the Chancellor and the Treasurer undermined the confidence of the King 's surviving ministers , and it was left to other loyalists to act on their own initiative .
28 She rejected him at birth and it was left to Maria Fountain from the Cotswold Wildlife Park to take on the role of Mother .
29 After the interval , all they could manage was a forwards ' try , by McIvor , and it was left to the home scrum-half , Tony Devlin , to notch the only touchdown — in the last minute — with a fine individual effort .
30 The Warwickshire pair , Paul Booth and Paul Smith , took just one wicket between them , and it was left to the veteran coloured bowler , Johnny Hendriks , to emerge as Stellenbosch 's top performer with four for 20 .
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