Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] control [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Many practices are worried that only by taking a fund can they retain some independence from what they fear may be increasingly arbitrary or incomplete control by the family health services authority or its eventual successor .
2 He was virtually the only cabinet member who really had Franco 's ear and , until October 1940 , had been responsible , as Minister of the Interior , for such nationwide networks of social and political control as the police forces , the press , censorship , propaganda , cinema and radio .
3 The last decades of the century saw the emergence of a self-conscious imperialism , in which the old system of colonial exploitation by commercial interests was replaced by an ideology of military conquest and strong control from the mother nation .
4 Commerce was paralysed , the telephones were cut , there was strict censorship of all correspondence and telegrams , and careful control of the port .
5 First , that the radical Right 's assault has been carefully managed ; the step by step approach was brilliantly conceived and managed by diligent and unerring control from the centre ; secondly , that the speed of its success has varied in different areas of public provision , which tells us much about the role of resistances , resistances built on organized opposition within the public services .
6 Propping up the world 's most enduring dictator is a slavish personality cult , and rigid control of the nation .
7 Route planning and detailed control of the customer servicing represent a big development in our division , and one that will significantly streamline our operations .
8 Is it to be only for fun and general amusement , or are you a perfectionist , seeking impeccable exposures and absolute control over the photography ?
9 While my father was on his way to England , Lij Yasu , with the support of the Fitaurari Habta Giorgis , Menelik 's commander-in-chief , seized the palace and assumed control of the country .
10 This would argue for considerable community organization and official control of the division and leasing of land on the urban periphery .
11 In addition , there were local elections , and overall control of the city council regularly shifted between Conservatives and Labour .
12 Both the two largest parties suffered losses ; Fianna Fáil , the major party in the ruling coalition , won 358 seats ( 437 in the last local elections in 1985 ) and lost control of the city and county councils in Dublin .
13 In what appeared to be an attempt by Milosevic to assert his power , Serbian police led by Mihail Kertes , one of Milosevic 's aides , seized and retained control of the FRY Interior Ministry in Belgrade early on Oct. 19 , claiming that the building belonged to them .
14 On May 8 Sami Abdul-Rahman , a member of the delegation [ see p. 38127 ] , said that " the talks [ were ] going on in a positive spirit " , although questions relating to international guarantees for an accord and Kurdish control over the oil-producing town of Kirkuk remained unresolved .
15 Any attempt to reduce inflation permanently would require a deep cut in government spending and tight control over the money supply .
16 As a formalism ATNs give extensive possibilities for optimisation and tight control over the precise details of the parsing strategy .
17 The ultimate in sophistication is achieved by the incorporation of video mixing which requires the use of an additional source VCR which must be gen-locked to the other source VCR , and video-sync control of the sound recorder , which permits the lift-off and lay-back of the original sound to allow it to be mixed with additional sound without loss of synchronisation .
18 Later in the fifth century Theodoric took over Ravenna as capital of the Ostrogothic kingdom but after his death in 526 Justinian recaptured the city and Byzantine control of the area was retained until c. 750 .
19 The last section will discuss the different kinds of drills which can be constructed to overcome problems of mismatch and to gain fluency and automatic control of the grammatical structure .
20 Non-transgenic brain RNA ( nTgB ) was used as a positive control for the endogenous mNF-H signal and negative control for transgene expression while SKNSH RNA as positive control for the human NF-L protected fragment and negative control for the mNF-H protected fragment .
21 Between four thousand and five thousand people took part and the demands of the rally were for a crash housing programme , a fair points system for the allocation of houses and legal control over the letting of furnished accommodation .
22 This direct and effective control of the coast — compared to access through the vassal state of Danzig — was probably the first in Poland 's history .
23 They complained of frequent staff changes resulting in a lack of consistency between residential workers and inadequate control of the youngsters .
24 It said the solution to increasing violence was the speedy introduction of a transitional executive council in South Africa and multi-party control over the security forces .
25 17.15 The programmes of study should , above all , enable pupils to exercise more conscious and critical control over the writing process .
26 Its high command is dominated by authoritarians who have fought off arguments that conscription be ended and Communist control over the army be scrapped .
27 Core TUC courses do not deal with the ownership of industry and managerial control of the workplace , the historical development of trade unions and their present predicament , the economic context or the political dilemmas .
28 Medium- and long-term control over the money supply
29 Lenin 's heavy emphasis on discipline and centralized control within the Party was particularly unattractive to activists drawn from the minority nationalities .
30 The injunction was subsequently lifted by the court , effectively endorsing Branson 's appointment as director and leaving the way open for the Virgin Group directors to exercise full and unhindered control of the airline .
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