Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [vb mod] find [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Either you increase my husband 's wages to reflect the work he does on your behalf , or I might find it my duty to persuade him to look for other employment , perhaps with one of the many property owners hereabouts . ’
2 Accordingly I expect that either I shall find Bill at home drunk or I shall find him at home sober .
3 You have been fortunate enough to build up a reserve of savings over the years , or you may find yourself in receipt of an inheritance .
4 ‘ Do as I say , Robyn , or you may find yourself in a whole load of trouble . ’
5 Do not put the bandage on too tight or you may find your fingers or toes going blue through lack of circulation .
6 Well , do n't keep me waiting another time , or you 'll find yourself on the Report for improperly working your beat .
7 " You certainly will , or you 'll find yourself packed off to Mother Benedicta very quickly . "
8 ‘ You 'd better get changed , ’ Piers said in an offhand voice , ‘ or you 'll find yourself stuck in bed with pneumonia for the next month . ’
9 So just behave yourself , and show a little respect , or you 'll find yourself doing a striptease on top of the wedding cake in ten seconds flat ! ’
10 ‘ And get yourselves dressed or you 'll find yourself on fatigues . ’
11 It is a heartening sight , evocative of all the sun and bright colours of Provence ; it is economical because it is one of those composite dishes which you gradually build up , to which you can make additions or subtractions and for which the planning of the colours , flavours , extra salads , vegetables , sauces , becomes perfectly intoxicating — but steady , keep a hold , or you 'll find you 've made enough food for thirty , and you 'll have to order another case of wine and invite twenty more guests …
12 Jupiter 's principle of expansion will apply to partnerships so that you can add to the relationship in some way or you will find your self-esteem rocketing because you are adored .
13 Their address should be available from the hospital or you can find it in the telephone book .
14 ‘ You 'd do well to rid yourself of those kind of notions , Deveraugh , or you could find yourself greatly disappointed . ’
15 Mothers can find themselves preparing three different meals in an evening to cater for different tastes in the family or she may find herself offering three or four different menus to the child , all of which are rejected and the food thrown away .
16 Imparting some factual information but more commonly referring the sufferer to resources from which he or she may find it for himself or herself .
17 We might get the nod there and stay or we might find nothing going on . ’
18 ‘ The thing is we 'll have to do something or we 'll find we 'll have to work for a living and we do n't want to do that . ’
19 And on the other side , subordinate groups have no other recourse than armed revolt if they are deprived of other means of exercising political rights ; or they may find themselves in a situation where their formal rights can only be made effective in practice by the use or threat of violence .
20 Children who behave well at school but badly at home may be responding to family tensions , or they may find it easier to accept discipline in the more formal atmosphere of a school .
21 Travellers might get used to jet-lag in the sense that they learn to live with it , or they might find it progressively more irksome as their initial excitement with travel begins to wear thin .
22 When the archbishop heard this he pretended that the king would not allow it to be done ; the pope , fired with the zeal of justice , ordered the archbishop in virtue of the obedience owed to him , not to delay longer in carrying this out or he would find himself suspended from his priestly office and his suffragans released from obedience to him .
23 It was only when Hurley called Coleman direct at the end of March 1988 , telling him to get his ass over there in a week or he would find somebody else , that Donleavy agreed to release him .
24 One thing she was quite certain of — she was in love with Edward and that meant she would have to continue to let him — or he would find someone else who would .
25 Martin Luther , whose own convictions had been tempered and proved like the finest steel , knew well that in the hour of trial each man must have his own convictions , or he will find himself with none .
26 If it 's too long for you , just let me know and I 'll find something shorter and a bit easier . ’
27 ‘ I know she 's alive and I 'll find her yet .
28 Right bring the tin round here and I 'll find you a pencil right , now bring your Snow White thing round , that 's the best one to use , right
29 If you wo n't take me , then stop the car here , and I 'll find my own way . ’
30 The school had an excellent library , especially in the English section , and I would find myself immersed in the literary essays of T. S. Eliot , I. A. Richards , W. K. Wimsatt , Bradley or Dover Wilson , Maud Bodkin on archetypal patterns or Caroline Spurgeon on Shakespeare 's imagery .
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