Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [adv] suggest [conj] " in BNC.

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1 So they 're going to be the conscience and the parenting for that year group and I also suggested that at that time , I think what Rob 's doing is getting the children to look at themselves er , as regards what their strengths and weaknesses are and the P S D have got to clarify that .
2 … She asked why Blanche did not like my book and I kindly suggested that perhaps it was the woman being scarred from a motor accident which she did n't like ( it was the book itself ) .
3 ‘ The painting is definitely stolen property ’ , wrote Shulman , ‘ and I strongly suggest that Sotheby 's postpone the sale until a full investigation can be carried out ’ .
4 I am anxious to find common ground in the country on this matter and I strongly suggest that it is important that that common ground is found .
5 There are no such proposals in the Bill and we never suggested that there should be .
6 So far as my honourable friend er is concerned he is right erm and we indeed suggested that the staff federation should be affiliated to the council of civil service trade unions to enable staff who belong to the federation to gain access to the facilities available to unions affiliated to the C C S U. Sadly , sadly the civil service unions did not feel able to accept this proposal .
7 Two members of the Warnock Committee dissented from the majority to the extent of permitting surrogacy as a treatment for childlessness under the general supervision of a licensing authority ; and they also suggested that payment to a surrogate mother should not be a barrier to the child being adopted by the commissioning couple .
8 There are , however , important exceptions , and they clearly suggest that a first stage must be to see people 's housing experience in relation to the whole of their lives , in particular their lives in employment .
9 And he also suggests that simply policing budgets will not solve the problem either , since the basic motivation is not undermined and , in the absence of market mechanisms , financial monitors have no way of knowing when the waste has actually been eliminated .
10 After the violent conditions that erm we think occurred in the early life of the earth and injected energy and churned up the atmosphere and formed the prebiotic molecules , we find that just those same molecules are actually in the clouds in space , and these clouds are the basic raw material from which stars and plants form in the first place , so we might ask the question could they have got into the earth 's atmosphere without this intermediate process , and I think there are mechanisms whereby these molecules can accrete into the earth 's atmosphere , and it certainly suggests that we should look at thse and certainly not be taken as a foregone conclusion that the Uray/Miller experiments are the only mechanism whereby the prebiotic soup was formed .
11 The numerous surveys of ( their own ) " temps " conducted by agencies supplying secretarial and office staff ( see , for example , Alfred Marks , 1982 ; Reed , 1986 ; Manpower , 1986 ) , whilst suffering from selectivity bias and/or containing leading questions , show that a substantial proportion of " temps " are looking for permanent jobs ; but they also suggest that some of these at least are using their experience of temporary jobs to find out what sort of permanent work they would like .
12 But they hardly suggest that a major structural change has taken place .
13 Not only does Buffon try to relegate the pleasure of watching kittens at play to the level of a childish amusement , but he also suggests that this play is malicious because it involves acting out the killing of prey — the very skill for which mankind domesticated the cat in the first place .
14 But it also suggests that many –normal , healthy' people are not as immune from everyday chemicals as they might appear to be .
15 But it also suggests that the tendency people have to favour quick repayment is stronger even than suggested by the majority stated preference ( for quick repayment versus small instalments ) .
16 But it also suggests that we have only one self-image : a portrait of the woman as a young person .
17 But it also suggests that industrial relations have a relative autonomy of their own , and hence are an independent influence on the railways ' response to the pressures of commercialism .
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