Example sentences of "[coord] [art] name of the " in BNC.

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1 Consequently , the vast majority of rugs made in Central Asia are collectively referred to as Turkomans , regardless of the fact that they are made by a number of specific tribes ( Beshir , Tekke , Ersari , etc. ) , while individual items may be marketed under either the collective Turkoman heading or the name of the actual weaving tribe .
2 I 'd listen outside , still not knowing the instrument or the name of the tune he practised .
3 Or the name of the artist in this painting .
4 The following afternoon the sale was announced at Old Trafford and the name of the new chairman revealed .
5 These things are expensive but the crucial thing is that both my name and the name of the RCN has been cleared . ’
6 A list of correct answers and the name of the prize winner can be obtained by sending a stamped addressed envelope to the competition address marked ‘ Belhaven Competition Results ’ .
7 The plate has the symbol of the city , a stylized version of the Visconti family 's snake/saracen symbol , together with the building 's name , its age ( either as a date for construction or as a century if the true date is not know or irrelevant ) , and the name of the architect if known .
8 What other features or promotions will you include in the campaign ( eg special printed bags with a Christmas scene and the name of the shop , or ‘ Merry Christmas from the Card Cabin' ) .
9 One such , the manor house , has the date of erection and the name of the first owner on the tablet over the front door , inscribed ‘ Elinor Ellis 1743 ’ .
10 The British wanted to limit branding to the owner 's initials and locality , and to require variations between the brands of an animal and the name of the owner to be explained by sale vouchers .
11 The postmark and the old-fashioned and precise direction ( Esquire and the name of the house as well as the street number ) told him it was from Hilbert 's old firm .
12 When you select INTEGRATE from the main menu , you will be shown a list of the pieces for that garment so that you can enter the type of knitting method ( intarsia , Fair Isle or jacquard ) and the name of the particular stitch pattern to be used .
13 He saw a pencil , smiled , felt relieved , and the name of the object he saw came into his mind or mouth . )
14 Theology lives out of the Word ; , and the name of the Word is Jesus .
15 He read the name of the hotel , and the name of the street .
16 It includes the name of the requesting authority , and the name of the requested authority if known ; otherwise the Letter could simply refer to ‘ the appropriate authority ’ .
17 Read The Satanic Verses , A Brief History Of Time , and The Name Of The Rose ( pausing only to translate the Latin sections into Esperanto ) .
18 Futures punters know they are playing with fire which is why some ask not to be rung at home , and the name of the commodities firm is never to be given to anyone who answers the office phone .
19 However , no prizes whatsoever for CUP for publishing Literature and Language Teaching , a title that shares both the aim and the name of the book published by that other university press in 1987 .
20 Whilst this may have been entered initially , this is not certain as the writing is not the same as some other entries such as that of Miss T. 's name and the name of the consultant .
21 If the shipowner has loaded the ship for his own account he must have a bill of lading which must state that the merchandise loaded on board belongs to him , that is to say , the quantity of packages or boxes , the marks and the name of the consignee .
22 And the name of the ‘ spy ’ was the name of her father .
23 ( c ) To include the project number and the name of the site on the invoice .
24 And the name of the shop began with a V. I 'm sure it did . ’
25 He spoke to her in very precise Greek , and I heard my own name and the name of the school .
26 Four samples of typing had subsequently been brought to Wickham , each identified by the registration number of the machine and the name of the person whose desk it normally stood on .
27 Write down the date on which it was recorded and the name of the speaker and location .
28 The Tutor will then be sent the correct number of tests sealed in an envelope , together with a marking guide and the name of the Moderator to whom they should be sent after marking .
29 Bass wanted to create the FA Carling Premier League , but last week FA chief executive Graham Kelly declared : ‘ The integrity and the name of the FA Premier League should be sacrosanct . ’
30 The shorthand notes must be submitted with the transcription and the name of the shorthand system used must be stated by the candidate on the bag envelope .
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