Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] of the members " in BNC.

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1 It was announced on July 30 , at the end of a summit meeting of the heads of state or government of the members of the Union monétaire ouest-africaine ( UMOA ) held in Dakar , Senegal , that there would be no devaluation of the franc of the Communauté financière en Afrique centrale ( CFA ) despite weeks of rumours to the contrary ; this was confirmed by a statement from the French Ministry of Economy and Finance that the rate of 50 francs CFA to one French franc would remain .
2 Until Easter monthly meetings have been agreed , which reflects the commitment and enthusiasm of the members to the task which the Group has set itself .
3 Until a Teachers ' Council is established , teachers will continue to lack the organisational structure through which to control the entry , training and practice of the members of their ‘ profession ’ .
4 Indeed , the politics of the last thirty years of the century can not properly be understood without reference to the wealth and ambition of the members of the king 's own family .
5 If the expectations and behaviour of the members match this scenario , then the group will tend to perform very effectively .
6 ‘ There is no doubting the effort and commitment of the members of the force and this is reflected in the low percentage increase in crime overall , ’ said Mr Sampson .
7 However , the backgrounds and training of the members of the two professions do not naturally encourage mutual understanding ; and their commercial interests often lead them to compete with each other .
8 At this point Lord Hailsham , then Lord Chancellor , in a public speech and as head of the judiciary , attacked those who had signed the motion and said that the public should note the identity and party of the Members concerned .
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